Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 13 13:34:45 EST 2021 | proy
I have an excellent operating X-Ray - Phoenix PCB analyser 160. It seems there was available software for Voiding Calculation but I am not sure if my machine has this - I do know that we have the BGA analysis tool, but have to look in and see if we
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 30 02:19:17 EDT 2010 | jooh
Regarding X-ray I was referring to ssager's comment "...X-Ray is only as good as the human eye that is operating it...". I thought x-ray images could be checked by software algorithms to find defects, not only human eye?
Electronics Forum | Fri May 01 14:54:12 EDT 2020 | capse
Disclaimer, I'm a VJ Electronic Rep. The VJ Electronix XQuik II is an x-ray parts counter. You can load a PCBA into the system and capture an x-ray image. The system has zoom functionality. But, you will not get the type of measurement and inspection
Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 14 13:06:18 EDT 2021 | proy
I have the software in my machine. Just need to read manual and learn how to use it.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 25 03:33:36 EDT 2002 | pizzafred
The most outstanding x-ray equipment I have used todate is XTEK. Software, user support has been first class, in comparsion to others I have used.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 13 11:57:08 EDT 2016 | ahernand75
Guys I'm looking for a software on the web that I can use to do void measurements. I have x-ray images but unfortunately no software in the machine to be able to calculate void size. Thanks in advance for your support.
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 10 13:25:21 EDT 1998 | Jon Medernach
| Is there a good way to inspect BGA | balls ? Is there an inspection piece | of equiip.? The idea is to develope a process that eliminates insoection. BGA's, by the nature of the design, do not lend themselves to inspection. Even X ray is subjec
Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 15 13:45:57 EDT 2000 | Marc Simkin
BGA Manufacture and process control. To X-ray or not to X-ray, that is the question!!! Are there any bench top or sample inspection units avaliable with good(useable) software?? Help me SMT netters, you are my only hope. Marc
Electronics Forum | Tue May 08 11:27:49 EDT 2001 | Eyal Duzy
I will review some of the advantages/disadvantages of AOI vs. X-Ray one by one according to the main differences that you may find between them. * AOI uses optics that can "see" only visible elements. X-Ray can "see" hidden elements. There is a ve
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 10 09:49:32 EST 2003 | pjc
For manual X-ray systems: Kv power to start off with. Depending on what type of components you have to X-ray, you may be ok w/ just a 90Kv system, for example. Its not all about Kv though. With most systems you can adjust to quantity of X-rays you ar