Electronics Forum: x-ray software (Page 1 of 4)


Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 13 13:34:45 EST 2021 | proy

I have an excellent operating X-Ray - Phoenix PCB analyser 160. It seems there was available software for Voiding Calculation but I am not sure if my machine has this - I do know that we have the BGA analysis tool, but have to look in and see if we

ICT and specifying PCBA testing

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 30 02:19:17 EDT 2010 | jooh

Regarding X-ray I was referring to ssager's comment "...X-Ray is only as good as the human eye that is operating it...". I thought x-ray images could be checked by software algorithms to find defects, not only human eye?

X-Ray inspection system w/ X- ray SMD component counter

Electronics Forum | Fri May 01 14:54:12 EDT 2020 | capse

Disclaimer, I'm a VJ Electronic Rep. The VJ Electronix XQuik II is an x-ray parts counter. You can load a PCBA into the system and capture an x-ray image. The system has zoom functionality. But, you will not get the type of measurement and inspection


Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 14 13:06:18 EDT 2021 | proy

I have the software in my machine. Just need to read manual and learn how to use it.

Users opinion of V J Technology X Ray machines

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 25 03:33:36 EDT 2002 | pizzafred

The most outstanding x-ray equipment I have used todate is XTEK. Software, user support has been first class, in comparsion to others I have used.

Voiding measure

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 13 11:57:08 EDT 2016 | ahernand75

Guys I'm looking for a software on the web that I can use to do void measurements. I have x-ray images but unfortunately no software in the machine to be able to calculate void size. Thanks in advance for your support.

Re: ???Why Inspect BGA's

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 10 13:25:21 EDT 1998 | Jon Medernach

| Is there a good way to inspect BGA | balls ? Is there an inspection piece | of equiip.? The idea is to develope a process that eliminates insoection. BGA's, by the nature of the design, do not lend themselves to inspection. Even X ray is subjec

BGA Assembly

Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 15 13:45:57 EDT 2000 | Marc Simkin

BGA Manufacture and process control. To X-ray or not to X-ray, that is the question!!! Are there any bench top or sample inspection units avaliable with good(useable) software?? Help me SMT netters, you are my only hope. Marc

AOI vs. XRay

Electronics Forum | Tue May 08 11:27:49 EDT 2001 | Eyal Duzy

I will review some of the advantages/disadvantages of AOI vs. X-Ray one by one according to the main differences that you may find between them. * AOI uses optics that can "see" only visible elements. X-Ray can "see" hidden elements. There is a ve

X-Ray Inspection for BGA, CSP etc.

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 10 09:49:32 EST 2003 | pjc

For manual X-ray systems: Kv power to start off with. Depending on what type of components you have to X-ray, you may be ok w/ just a 90Kv system, for example. Its not all about Kv though. With most systems you can adjust to quantity of X-rays you ar

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