Electronics Forum: xpm2 (Page 1 of 3)

Vitronics XPM2-1240 vintage 2004 Setup and/or Operation manual

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 28 12:57:52 EDT 2009 | esolano

Hi, Does anyone have a soft copy of Vitronics XPM2-1240 manual (operation or setup?) or can anyone please help me find one. your help in this matter will be greatly appreciated. Regards, Adeel

vitronics soltec Xpm2. procedure for opening hood.

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 12:17:05 EDT 2018 | randywoods

I need to perform maintenance. On reflow oven. I do not remeber procedure for opening. Hood for reflow oven. Vitronis Soltec XPM2.

Manual Book Vitronics Soltec XPM2-820

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 22 01:15:36 EDT 2021 | bangir

Hi All, I am looking for part numbers vitronics XPM2-820. Anyone can share me the manual book/parts list? Thanks

XPM2-1240 oven - one of the zones wouldn't stay heated

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 24 09:20:57 EDT 2009 | esolano

Any ideas, guys?

Vitronics XPM2-1240 vintage 2004 Setup and/or Operation manual

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 24 05:35:54 EDT 2020 | gfloyd034

hello! can anyone help if you know where can i find/download a copy of Vitronics XPM2 Setup and/or Operation manuals? thank you very much! we'll be setting up our SMT lines and we would like to read before going at it.

XPM2-1240 oven - one of the zones wouldn't stay heated

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 23 09:59:11 EDT 2009 | esolano

Hi all, Zone 11 on a XPM2-1240 does not want to heat up and would not stay at set point. Does anyone have any ideas how to solve this problem? Or if you know of a technician in the Southern California area that can perhaps fix this problem, please

Vitronics XPM2 Question

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 29 15:07:11 EST 2011 | cbeneat

My Company has 3 XPM2 Vitronics reflow ovens, one new in 06, one new in 08 and one new in 10. They have all been relatively trouble free over the last 6 years, however recently I'm seeing a white powdery substance on my filters, for the two oldest(s

new reflow oven - which model/brand/ to choose?

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 27 20:14:37 EDT 2021 | cbeneat

For what it's worth, we have 5 Vitronics ovens. XPM2, 2+, 3I, 3M. Our Oldest is an XPM2-1030 as mentioned. We have never replaced a fan motor. We've been running it for 3 shifts for 16 years. A couple of the gearboxes for the conveyor width have been

SMT placement machines. Where are we going ?

Electronics Forum | Wed May 27 13:04:49 EDT 2009 | cyber_wolf

I am not sure on Panasonic or Assembleon. Last I heard, Universal was getting ready to be liquidated. I haven't used DEK printers. Vitronics ovens are very nice. We have 3 XPM2's and an XPM1. They are work horses.


Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 26 06:42:29 EDT 2006 | cyber_wolf

Thanks for all of the input. FYI: We ended up buying a Vitronics XPM2. It works great so far.

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