Electronics Forum: xpm3i reflow oven manual (Page 1 of 15)

Conceptronics oven reflow problems

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 08 16:21:05 EST 2004 | Bill

James: The ovens can be calibrated to help get this a little closer. In the computer box are 3 cards (alike) attached to the motherboard. They are called IPS-7 cards. On these cards are 2 potentiometers to calibrate the T/Cs for the heat zones. There

Small scale reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Mon May 13 03:01:23 EDT 2019 | peterchan

Hello, sir. We are a SMT equipment manufacturer from China. We have a hot-press soldering machine that can change your current situation of manual soldering on PCB board. In addition, we have a better reflow oven, the upper and lower two cold tempe

service manual for vitronics smr 500 oven

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 18 14:09:01 EST 2015 | davidgjessup

I am in need of a service manual for a Vitronics smr 500 reflow oven . If anyone has one that I COULD PURCHASE PLEASE SEND ME AN E-MAIL TO DAVIDGJESSUP@AOL.COM OR TEXT TO 317-358-7406

Heller manual

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 16 14:03:09 EDT 2016 | simons

We are looking for a PDF of the manual for our 1088 EXL Heller reflow oven. Thanks

Thermocouple calibration on reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 15 11:53:37 EDT 2004 | Claude_Couture

Hi everyone, Our QC manager is bugging me about calibrating the TC readings on our reflow ovens. I keep telling him that doing a regular reflow profiling with a mole is sufficient to see if the oven temperature are normal. The manuals state that TC c

Atmos 1000CR reflow oven electrical schematics

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 27 12:48:04 EST 2004 | Bill

Does anybody have access to an Electrovert Atmos 1000CR schematic? Ours has been removed from the manual ---and we could use information regarding the change from 480 to 220v for a different facility. Thanks in advance, Bill

User manual Speedline Vectra 450/F

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 24 01:01:23 EDT 2023 | frankchan

Is this a wave solder oven mate? Can't help with this one but we too are the manufacturer of Reflow & wave solder ovens and else. If related questions we can discuss about it and try to solve.

Surf Systems Quazir manual needed

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 03 16:58:19 EDT 2011 | pmdinc

We have a Surf Systems MPC 300 reflow oven that we are trying to keep going as we don't have the money to replace it. Does anyone have a manual or wiring diagram for this machine or one of its close relatives? We would be happy to compensate for th

Electrovert Omni 5 reflow oven vintage 1999 Manual

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 25 14:58:04 EDT 2008 | arrowventures

I really need a replacement Manual for a Electrovert Omni 5 reflow oven vintage 1999. I would be happy to pay someone for it. I would even be fine with a copied version of the manual, and I would pay for that. If someone has a manual and is willing t

CFM requirements for Heller 1500 reflow oven exhaust

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 24 10:49:12 EDT 2008 | slthomas

100 CFM at each exhaust if you're using room air, 25 CFM/ea if you're using nitrogen (according to my manual...never used nitrogen myself) per their specified delivery rates.

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