Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 11 00:12:57 EST 2002 | caldon
Pick a niche i.e. Fiber cable splice or BGA replacement service. There are tons on EMS providers and with very cut throat prices. I gaurentee you if you had a BGA rework station and an xray - and offered services in this area you will make a killing
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 26 06:32:58 EDT 2004 | cyber_wolf
Grant, The only thing that you really gain from refrigeration is a couple more months� shelf life. Refrigeration also seems to slow down flux separation. I am not sure how your paste consumption is, but we use ours up way before the expiration date
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 17 11:32:35 EST 1998 | Earl Moon
| | Children, | | Let's stop the squabbling. SMTNET is here for us to use. It may run slower but it is still a very effective and necessary tool. It's amazing, as we progress further into the information age, we become spoiled and frustrated about
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 17 11:16:15 EST 1998 | Scott Cook
| Children, | Let's stop the squabbling. SMTNET is here for us to use. It may run slower but it is still a very effective and necessary tool. It's amazing, as we progress further into the information age, we become spoiled and frustrated about an
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 21 23:05:37 EDT 2021 | duchoang
We have an YXLON Cougar X-Ray machine. Run good in 10 years. Now, when we started the machine as usual, the machine run START-UP process, Manipulator Reference OK, Vacuum OK, but not "Warm Up", the X-Ray keep turning off and on showing Voltage ~50KV
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 10 08:55:14 EST 2010 | blnorman
X-ray is probably more useful in the grand scheme of things. SAM will, like Glenn said, pick up delams in components especially at internal interfaces. X-ray will only pick up a defect like this if it's perpendicular to the delam, very difficult.
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 20 10:04:15 EST 2008 | slthomas
Yeah, it blows, but basically we toss it when it quits printing. We've never seen any visible quality issues we could attribute to recycling paste like this so we keep doing it. When we start doing BGA and X-raying stuff we'll take a closer look at w
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 06 07:20:29 EDT 2004 | cyber_wolf
Try slowing the cam speed to 50% or so to start with. Also make sure that you are using the largest nozzle you can on that particular part.
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 03 04:51:58 EDT 2009 | lococost
From alpha metals lead free alloy impurities bulletin: "Levels greater than 0.025% may start to slow the wetting speed and could affect the hole fill performance. If process performance is OK then levels up to 0.05% are OK."
Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 12 08:20:04 EDT 1999 | se
| | | | hi, i m college student. i m currently doing my Final year project in PCB drilling. the main task is to design auto feeder which allign the PCB properly in position before drilling take place. the close tolerance becomes a big problem to the