Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 21 09:33:25 EST 2005 | davef
RoHS Substance||RoHS MCV Limits||Typical Testing Approaches Lead||1000 ppm* ||Wet chemical digestion followed by ICP (Inductively coupled plasma) or AAS (atomic absorption) spectroscopy ||||XRF (X-ray fluorescence) spectroscopy Cadmium||100 ppm ||Wet
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 31 17:35:16 EDT 2002 | davef
* Finally, when soldered by hand, do the problem pads take solder? Yes, the XRF analysis will be interesting.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 20 09:50:06 EDT 2005 | Larry Smith
XRF (x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy) testing
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 07 10:51:04 EDT 2005 | Slaine
an X-ray fluroscope XRF will tell u if there is any lead in it in seconds, without damaging it.
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 28 11:16:50 EDT 2005 | Amol
thank you for the info. what brand XRF and what is the $$$??
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 06 10:11:02 EDT 2007 | blnorman
Solderability testing and if possible, measure the plating thickness (XRF).
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 02 15:55:04 EDT 2008 | boardhouse
See if you can find someone with an XRF machine or talk to your Current Board house they probably have this equiptment if they run ENIG or Silver finishes. I would stop in with some boards your having issues with and have them measure the thickness.
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 17 05:58:36 EST 2019 | robl
We had a customer who used XRF to determine the thickness of the "tinned" layer of components - sort of what is briefly mentioned in Bob Klenke's SMTA paper - http://www.circuitinsight.com/pdf/Solderability_Testing_Protocols_Component_Re-Tinning_Me
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 28 11:04:43 EDT 2005 | JW
We are planning to purchase a portable XRF unit to do our LF component testing. While we were running our first proto run of LF boards for a customer, we just happen to demo a XRF unit and found lead in a "certified Lead-free component"!!! Considerin
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 12 15:43:57 EST 2006 | amol_kane
Hi all, while looking at some XRF equipment, a question arose as to the need for testing lead-free components at the CEM facility.....if a CEM has RoHS compliancy certificates from component vendors, is that "Due diligent enough" to absolve the CEM o