Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 11 00:05:54 EDT 2011 | vinitverma
PROCAM is intended to extract Centroid from the raw Gerber only. You just need to have 2 layers (paste or mask layer - to identify pads, and silk layer - for reference designators). Centroid is the output of PROCAM.
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 08 13:18:23 EDT 2011 | alcatel
Problem is I dont have the centroid file. I only have the gerber file...
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 08 13:47:05 EDT 2011 | mosborne1
ASk your bare board manufacture for the centriod data. They can do it quickly and most will do it for free. At least we do for our customers.
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 07 16:11:07 EDT 2011 | davef
You're in the wrong file. You're looking at solder pad data. You need to look at centroid data. Look here: http://i.screamingcircuits.com/docs/understanding-the-centroid-file-r2-2.pdf We have no relationship, nor receive benefit from the company r
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 07 09:26:03 EDT 2011 | alcatel
Im trying to get the XY data to program the SMT machines. since i dont have the file, im trying to convert it from the gerber drawing. the closest one to represent the component placement is the solder pad. ive tried using linkcad to convert it to XY
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 08 05:26:56 EDT 2011 | vinitverma
Hello, We offer a product called - PROCAM for this very application. PROCAM uses Gerber (274X) as input and extracts the centroid data for each component automatically. It exports the centroid to standard excel format (including board outline, circu
Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 12 10:08:55 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon
| hello | | having a problem with one customers bare boards not matching my stencil apertures. i design stencils based on gerber data and reduce up to 15% on some pads. do some board houses reduce pads after receiving gerber data???why would they d
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 13 04:11:27 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon
| | hello | | | | having a problem with one customers bare boards not matching my stencil apertures. i design stencils based on gerber data and reduce up to 15% on some pads. do some board houses reduce pads after receiving gerber data???why would
Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 03 10:05:36 EDT 2017 | unisoft
Hi Unisoft's ProntoGERBER-CONNECTION should help you. ( http://www.unisoft-cim.com/gerber_connection.htm ) -------------- ProntoGERBER-CONNECTION ( http://www.unisoft-cim.com/gerber_connection.htm ) imports raw Gerber data and allows the user to ad
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 24 12:41:18 EST 2014 | mi
Depending on what X-Y centroid / CAD data you need, there are different SW I've used to do the job. If you need PCB gerber "artwork" (rounds, rectangles, lines, squares,...geometric figures), you can use GraphicCode GC-Place & such - load the gerber