Electronics Forum: yamaha fiducial error (Page 1 of 14)


Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 21 06:26:50 EDT 2004 | dennispoquiz

Right. Fiducial comes with the CAD data or the gerber files. If it doesnt, and you need to create fiducial coordinates, you may use a digitizer or a caliper and make use of the reference pin as the origin. Now if the fiducial camera focus is way out,

YV100xg error

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 20 15:32:27 EDT 2010 | naveed

Yes!tahnkx I made a backup disc.the all data for production files,and also the data base library(vision files for component and fiducials) has been copied to the disc.we are in contact with yamaha consultant,they sent us the new manual which has the

Local fiducial spacing...

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 15 00:33:11 EDT 2005 | Frank

You didn't state if you are using all CAD data or not. If you are not using any CAD data then all bets are off. If you global fid XY data and all your placement XY data are all from CAD data, but you are manually teaching your local fids, then they

Re: fiducial mark placement

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 11 11:01:11 EST 1999 | Mark W.

In answer to your question no. Fiducials should always be as far apart from each other in both directions (X,Y) as possible. This will allow ANY placement machine to calculate the EXACT location and rotation of the PCB, and therefore correct the moun

Samsung CP40V - fiducial correction

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 26 08:44:22 EST 2017 | muzzy

Hi. Thanks for the reply. If i remember correctly, there aren't any crosshairs displayed when the machine stops. Last time I used it, I tried jogging it to another position after the error but couldn't do it. I'll try it again when i will get a chanc

YV100xg error

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 29 19:02:15 EDT 2010 | jeffr

You must re-insall the software. Do you have the procedure and the disks? The yamaha manual quotes:- Ea12324 The repair detection of the file. The machine is unusually shut down. One or more files may be damaged. Run the upgrade installation of the

YV100xg error

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 06 08:38:54 EDT 2010 | sachu_70

I am impressed to know that you are a one-man army confronting YV100Xg. However, you could always call in for an Engineer from a YAMAHA service provider to resolve your problem. Else, just try by reinstalling your machine software. But before you do

Pattern matching type fiducial at Topaz/ Emerald machines

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 26 11:34:31 EDT 2007 | coop

as long as you are not getting recognition errors, and placements look good, go with it. as far as the pattern matching, the only thing I can think of is changing the it from circle or square to sp. shape and giving it the dimension sizes asked for.

Pattern matching type fiducial at Topaz/ Emerald machines

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 26 11:34:34 EDT 2007 | coop

as long as you are not getting recognition errors, and placements look good, go with it. as far as the pattern matching, the only thing I can think of is changing the it from circle or square to sp. shape and giving it the dimension sizes asked for.

Pattern matching type fiducial at Topaz/ Emerald machines

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 24 07:07:52 EDT 2007 | stefi

Hi, Thanks for the reply, The fiducial which posed problems is a 1 mm diameter gold plated circle fiducial. The problem with this is that the vision system sees it darker than the surrounding area. The surrounding area is all copper covered with th

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