Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 27 12:44:52 EDT 2000 | Ashok Dhawan
What could be possible resons for " Plating Crack on Barrel (tented via)" This tented via is in proximity to parts being hand soldered. The crack in barrel was detected on failure analysis - micro-section of via where barrel is having crack ( circul
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 18 02:43:37 EDT 2014 | tjbooc
CHECK IO BOARDS STATUS, CHECK HEAD IO 24VDC SUPPLY, CHECK 24VDC SUPPLY TERMINAL, CHECK WIRING CONNECTED TO HEAD IO I think this is an I/O communication problem. Fail in connecting to I/O cards.
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 01 11:12:18 EDT 2015 | zombee
Problem is solved! There wasn't voltage on motor inputs (only 5-10V AC) when the motor connected correctly, but was ~210V AC without motor. Firstly, I exchanged the motor speed control relay (Panasonic G-series type), but the result was same. (the a
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 03 13:35:31 EST 2024 | oxygensmd
I am also new in this case because I am also looking for machines for my lines. That is why I made many research about getting the right machines for our needs. We are also have the some productivity as yours, we have low volume with high component m
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 03 08:02:05 EDT 2007 | itaig1
I have the manual for this machine and the programs I am after allow me to connect the machine to a PC via an RS232 interface to allow upload and download files to/from the machine as well as an optimiser. We have had the machine for a while and is o
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 19 12:03:09 EDT 1998 | Scott Cook
Out of interest, are you using an 84V? 84VZ? a 60V? 60VZ? With SBIP or the Yamaha vision system (VICS 1000)? Do you have the old tray sequencer? > WRONG!!!! Why do folks still live in this mindset? I'm not slamming you personally. But this is preva
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