Electronics Forum: yamaha laser (Page 1 of 2)

Testing Yamaha GEM laser

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 03 16:20:21 EDT 2019 | compit


Testing Yamaha GEM laser

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 19 23:25:52 EDT 2019 | rob1

We have a Yamaha GEM and the laser will not recognise components. The laser has been changed in the past by another engineer, but this failed to rectify the problem. Can anyone advise how to test the laser or use some machine diagnostics so that I

Testing Yamaha GEM laser

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 03 16:11:16 EDT 2019 | rob1

Do you have them in a PDF?

Testing Yamaha GEM laser

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 03 17:19:26 EDT 2019 | rob1

If you could send me a copy of the PDF to that would be great. thanks, Rob

Testing Yamaha GEM laser

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 04 13:44:09 EDT 2019 | compit

I sent yesterday, arrived? It helped ?

Testing Yamaha GEM laser

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 03 15:46:15 EDT 2019 | compit

I have instructions "Manual CSM / GEM Illuminations Units" and "Manual Illumination System X-series" if it helps you ...

YVL88 MKII laser Verification

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 24 19:43:37 EST 2017 | darby

Hi everyone, I've been out of it for a while after 27 years. Got made redundant in February. What can you do? I know - turn 60 and get cranky. That'll be the ticket. Anyway...... Trying to help someone out with a Yamaha YVL88MKII. I am very conversa

cyber optics 6604098

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 09 03:42:50 EST 2015 | robl

Hi, we use Eric from QY in China for repairing our Yamaha/Assembleon and Juki Lasers. We must have sent 15-20 in the last 2 years and they do a good job. Contact details: sales@qy-smt.com Hope that helps, Rob.

Cyberoptics Laser Product, model: 6604098

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 10 01:44:37 EST 2004 | lawrence

Hi All, I've been using Yamaha YV88 MII for quite some times, It's a good workhorse but have this little problem. We find difficulty in locating the Laser Unit. Also it's costs are high from where we get it. Would appreciate SMTnet members assistance

Pick and Place Machine

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 25 09:20:38 EST 2012 | mgjme

We use JUKI KE2060 now, and we consider purchase of two YS12 for our next assembly line. But I'm afraid some of the details, like lack of pick-hight measurment function in YS12, we got used to perform at the begining of new production run (by JUKI's

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