Electronics Forum: yamaha o-ring 90200-01j125 (Page 1 of 1)

Where to buy vacuum filter for juki and Yamaha machine

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 08 16:52:07 EST 2006 | darby

Which model Yamhah are you talking about and what is the make and model # of the manifold block for the micro ejectors? If it has the Koganei ME05M series then your local rep can supply the filters. It is a good idea to get spare O-rings for the filt

Replacement valves for Emerald x / YV88X

Electronics Forum | Tue May 18 09:58:17 EDT 2021 | kumarb

Thank you so much for the advice. We were suspecting blockage but know that we have clean nozzles. Did the air blow out and removed a spot of black matter - perhaps what was an old o-ring? Nozzles are 61 and 62 posing the issue. Our tech said that 64

assembleon emerald xi part build

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 24 14:42:03 EDT 2020 | kumarb

Hi. Heck no! First, you should find out the Yamaha equivalent of your machine, if known - that is a more common reference when sourcing parts. While we have no affiliation with the vendor other than a very positive history of sourcing a laundry list


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