Electronics Forum: yamaha parts

io head unit kv8-m4570

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 20 00:51:03 EDT 2010 | jeffr

This particular Yamaha Head I/O Board is a common failure. Yamaha supply an updated version which is less likely to fail. The cause of the problem that you see is due to the connectors on the flexing and damaging the inner layers of the board. The on

Faster Than Lightning!

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 30 02:57:56 EDT 2019 | reckless

In search of my ultimate chip shooter I need a machine faster than 2 universal instruments lightning heads. I am aware Fuji has a turret head and Yamaha. Are they as reliable/fast as the lightning head? Who else makes turret heads?

Yamaha YM100VP file format.

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 14 22:54:03 EST 2006 | phomann

Hi, Can anyone help out with suppling the file format for the Yamaha YM100VP 3 head pick and place machine? Cheers, Peter.


Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 06 15:33:43 EST 2023 | kumarb

Does the 'R' suffix not mean a rotary head on the machine? This will then allow for that head to be a 'chip shooter' but does so with a lower height off the PCB being assembled. That is, the rotary head offers some gain in speed but is unable to moun

Philips / Assembleon / Yamaha Topaz Xii start up issue - handshake error

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 18 02:43:37 EDT 2014 | tjbooc

CHECK IO BOARDS STATUS, CHECK HEAD IO 24VDC SUPPLY, CHECK 24VDC SUPPLY TERMINAL, CHECK WIRING CONNECTED TO HEAD IO I think this is an I/O communication problem. Fail in connecting to I/O cards.

grease for pick & place machine heads

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 03 07:08:30 EDT 2020 | compit

Asssembleon recommends Molykote 6169 (Yamaha #6169) grease for pneumatic components of heads, but it is no longer available. What do you use instead?


Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 07 08:44:29 EST 2023 | spoiltforchoice

> Does the 'R' suffix not mean a rotary head on the > machine? This will then allow for that head to be > a 'chip shooter' but does so with a lower height > off the PCB being assembled. That is, the rotary > head offers some gain i

Supplier of parts Yamaha / Philis / Assembleon

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 30 16:18:23 EDT 2020 | compit

Anyone know a company (probably Chinese) that has a lot of parts for the Topaz-X (Phlipips / Assembleon) / YV100X (Yamaha) head? Companies that I found have some parts, they don't, and I don't want to buy each item from another company (at least beca

Yamaha iPulse vs Assembleon MG1

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 19 19:43:38 EST 2023 | smtusa

How does the Yamaha iPulse line compare to the Assembleon MG1? My friends had amazing experience with the MG1 and prefer them. I have never seen an iPulse in person. The heads and software look very similar between the two machines. The M2 seems

Problem with YAMAHA 84S

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 31 03:35:41 EDT 2007 | meritajs

Hello All, We have problem with one from our YAMAHA SMT mounter. It had weard defect. It gives error message"soft limit X over" when next step must pick up with head3. But all coordinat for next component do not exeed movable range. This failure happ

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