Electronics Forum: yamaha smt machine io/vision board

Work Board Holders for Universal Through Hole Machines

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 16 03:15:51 EDT 2022 | leaderway0

AI/SMT spare parts and SMT equipment vendors from China-Leaderway Industrial Co., Ltd. The main distribution brands are Fuji, Samsung, Juki, Yamaha, Universal, Panasonic, Siemens, and Sony. Our websites: http://www.leadersmt.com Contact us !!! Email

Just wondering have anyone tried to build two/three same boards in parallel of one SMT line...

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 08 07:41:12 EST 2020 | pekingkiwi

I have a typical SMT line setup with three machines, two Yamaha YS24s, and one YSM20. A simple board with only three components, four placements, but a large order quantity. At the moment, the line is only using one machine to place all the parts wit

Mycronic vs. Juki: Your Opinions?

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 09 06:31:04 EDT 2023 | kumarb

I can speak from the Yamaha YV88X side (aka Emerald-X). We are an engineering company and recently started to use our SMT line. Absolutely love it and can run the machine with ease. Have assembled thousands of boards since COVID started. It is an old


Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 30 09:03:55 EDT 2005 | davef

Pick and place: * Fuji: The largest pcb size is 20" by 18" for pick and place; 18"x14" for chip shooters. * MYDATA has machines that can be configured to 34" X 44" X 0.500" * Fuji has the NP XL series that will allow 27 by 23 inch boards using a con


Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 20 05:29:30 EDT 2018 | rob

Fuji makes great machines, just depends on the local support If you are not doing anything special I'd probably just go with the I-pulses as you'll get a lot more machine for your money, and have some left over for inline AOI/SPI or look at somethin

Pick Place Programmer

Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 17 09:37:41 EDT 2018 | sarason

The trick is to have the correct socket to place the IC into. Have the board permanently on the machine , place your IC run the attached programmer. pick up the IC and place back in the original or a new tray. Most SMT machines would be difficult to


Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 28 21:13:11 EDT 2018 | stephenj37824

So lots of quotes and research later we have eliminated a few added a few to our choices lol. So it looks like we will be doing a decent volume now (due to our other board supplier letting us down as well). Roughly 4-5 million leds/connectors per mon


Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 10 02:40:55 EDT 2018 | rob

Hi Stephen, All good machines. Regarding placement speeds ignore what the manufacturers claim, it's utter crap. Start with the IPC9850 number (not perfect, but we have been known to hit it), but even better to make them demonstrate on one of your

Just wondering have anyone tried to build two/three same boards in parallel of one SMT line...

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 10 16:47:02 EST 2020 | spoiltforchoice

Unless the boring big job is conveniently in a panel the same size as the other jobs you want to put through you really need to break it into 2 lines surely? Anything else is just a pain to manage. Longer term you could look at getting another Yamah

Placement Equipment and Long Boards

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 09 10:16:14 EDT 2007 | davef

Pick and place: * Fuji: The largest pcb size is 20" by 18" for pick and place; 18"x14" for chip shooters. Fuji NP XL series allows 27 by 23 inch boards using a conveyor. * MYDATA has machines that can be configured to 34" X 44" X 0.500" * HSP 4796A a

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KingFei SMT Tech
KingFei SMT Tech

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