Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 04 00:19:14 EDT 2018 | gaintstar
Flason SMT yamaha nozzles: http://www.flason-smt.com/product/Yamaha-CL12mm-Feeder-KW1-M2200-100.html http://www.flason-smt.com/product/Yamaha-CL12mm-feeder-KW1-M2200-10X.html http://www.flason-smt.com/product/YAMAHA-CL16mm-SMT-Feeder-KW1-M3200-10X.ht
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 09 14:54:22 EDT 2013 | christian01976
Hello! I dont know where you are from but here in Germany Assembleon stopped selling Yamaha machines. Yamaha now sells their machines on their own. The things I know: Yamaha YS24 is equal to Assembloen MC24 Yamaha YS24x equal to MC24x YS12 is MC12
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 15 01:25:06 EDT 2006 | AR
Hope that cleaning helps. Mind you, the mechanical feeders are only rated for 4 million operations and some components need replacing after 2 million operations. You need to think carefully whether it is worth your while to try to resuscitate your ol
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 04 00:05:25 EDT 2018 | gaintstar
Flason SMT chip mounter Reflow Ovens: http://www.flason-smt.com/product/PCB-assembly-line-equipment-SMT-spare-parts-Dek-Motor-188962.html http://www.flason-smt.com/product/PCB-Conveyor-for-LED-Production-Line-SMT-Assembly-Line.html http://www.flason-
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