Electronics Forum: yamaha yvl88 (Page 1 of 1)

Pick & place nozzle for data switch

Electronics Forum | Mon May 25 21:27:07 EDT 2009 | paligora

Our machine is YAMAHA YVL88II and the issues we have with these data switches are either not being picked up from the feeder at all or are being ped before assembly.

smt connector

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 24 16:53:44 EST 2002 | mikestringer

We place a similar square pin style of connector on one of our products. The connector is a 22mm high HW series from Samtek. We have a Yamaha YVL88 MK1 and YV88XS set up to handle them (Yes they are rebadged as Philips machines in some markets). No

User / Service Manuals for Yamaha YV100-2 and YVL88?

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 25 14:26:41 EDT 2016 | mrpackethead

Im looking for manuals for theYV100-2 and YVL88 machines, as i have just bought a 2nd land line at auction. Does anyone have one, or know where i can get one from?

Air Volume / Quality requirements for Yamaha YS100 and YVL88 Machines?

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 04 23:36:47 EDT 2016 | mrpackethead

How big an air compressor is needed to run Some Yamaha YS100 machines? What kind of air quality is required.

User / Service Manuals for Yamaha YV100-2 and YVL88?

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 27 08:17:35 EDT 2016 | sarason

Try asking in the yahoo PicknPlace group or alternatively Hawker Richardson in Melbourne Australia https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/PicknPlace/info https://www.hawkerrichardson.com.au sarason

YVL88 MKII laser Verification

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 24 19:43:37 EST 2017 | darby

Hi everyone, I've been out of it for a while after 27 years. Got made redundant in February. What can you do? I know - turn 60 and get cranky. That'll be the ticket. Anyway...... Trying to help someone out with a Yamaha YVL88MKII. I am very conversa

Air Volume / Quality requirements for Yamaha YS100 and YVL88 Machines?

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 05 20:18:13 EDT 2016 | sarason

I checked the spec sheet and it gives pressure and no volume. The volume on one of my older Yamaha's was about 2.7 CFM. That corresponds roughly to the volume of a small 2HP compressor at your local hardware store. You can place on of these in a smal

Yamaha pick and place

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 10 02:57:53 EDT 2018 | rob

Yes I would, most of our old Yamaha machines (before 2005) will do 30-35 microns @ 3 sigma with the fine camera option. Our Jukis with His res camera's will hit it too. You should be OK with most things after 1997 with the right camera choice (whic

SMT Machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 05 08:49:43 EST 2002 | pjc

Yamaha YV100Xg is the Topaz XII YV100X is Topaz X YV100II is Topaz YV88Xg is Emerald XII YV88X is Emerald X YVL88II is Emerald YV180Xg is Sapphire XII


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