Electronics Forum: yellowish tinned end (Page 1 of 12)


Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 28 07:57:58 EDT 2006 | cpm

Hi, Expert, Currently, I'm facing a very critical problem on my HAL leadfree finishing PCBs at my customer end. We run the HAL leadfree (Tin, cu and ni) board by using HAL leadfree machine (temperature about 270 deg.C) and go for normal water post c

Flux turns BRIGHT yellow when in contact with Tin/ Lead

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 01 11:41:34 EDT 2020 | emeto

Very interesting.Safety datasheet suggest acid that might turn yellowish. I am interested is it cleaned easily with water?


Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 03 17:04:07 EDT 2006 | cuculi54986@yahoo.com

Glenn, What alloy are you using for Pb-free HASL? You say tin copper nickel, but is it SN100C? Against manufacturing engineering's recommendation, my company specified simply "Pb-free HASL" as the finish for our Pb-free PCBs. One of our suppliers

Tin Whisker Formation?

Electronics Forum | Thu May 25 15:29:58 EDT 2006 | Chunks

REMOVE THE COMMA AT THE END OF THE LINK! H made a boo boo. Tin Whisker "Nodule"?

Bright Tin metalisation on CHIP components

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 19 10:27:33 EST 2021 | grahamcooper22

Anyone experience high voiding levels in SMT lead free solder joints when the CHIP has bright tin plated end caps ? In the same process, Matte tin plated CHIPs don't show any voiding issues.

Re: Why not Tin

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 18 15:30:38 EDT 1999 | M Cox

What's wrong with the Tin? Just wondering MDCox | | Electroless silver had promise, from Alpha, but I don't know where this ended up. Also Omikron's "white" electroless tin is proported to be a good alternative, though I've never been a big fan of

Plating Integrity

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 16 17:31:14 EDT 2005 | Doug

Chris, From your email I am assuming you are using an immersion tin process. Is that correct? If so, I would highly recommend you talk to your board house about the amount of tin that is being deposited on your boards. If the tin deposit becomes ver

leadfree solder content to avoid wire being thin

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 28 10:18:35 EST 2006 | Steve Gregory

I just went through the same problem. We have an inductor that is made with a bundle of 30-strands of Litz wire that is vaccuum coated with varnish, and have the ends of the wire bundles tinned that we have to solder to SMT pads on the board. The ind

Re: Why not Tin

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 18 15:39:47 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| What's wrong with the Tin? Just wondering | | MDCox | | | | Electroless silver had promise, from Alpha, but I don't know where this ended up. Also Omikron's "white" electroless tin is proported to be a good alternative, though I've never been a

Water Residue Stains - how to remove?

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 19 01:17:13 EST 2001 | ianchan

Hi Experts, I need help here, advice appreciated from all... Production is running a Lot of flex-circuit PCB, through the SMT line, with 0402 components. The flex-PCB is taped to FR4 support "pallets" when processing thru' the SMT P&P m/c. We use

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