Electronics Forum: zero setting (Page 1 of 13)

GSM1 zero - timeout waiting for spindle up error

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 14 19:55:06 EDT 2018 | amartineck

I have a GSM1 that when try to zero it, it stops with the "Timeout waiting for spindle up" message. To get thsi up and running, I have set all my machine settings to default and had to reselect the head from a C4 1 head to the flex head. I initially

Electrovert - MiniPak 300, FDC 450 controls, setting Threshold

Electronics Forum | Thu May 31 18:21:09 EDT 2007 | jamesm

Revelation Industries has an Electrovert MPK1-24774. The manual lacks sufficient information to troubleshoot and fix this problem: Reference: Minipack 300 Wavesoldering System 1986 edition, pg, 18, fluxer, Threshold adjustment. After completin

Looking for SPM Calibration Procedure for setting the Z-Axis ?

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 18 15:02:07 EST 2005 | pmd

Please clarify, Z axis gears (Blades)? The MPM head I believe is what your are asking is driven up and down via a lead screw. The machine gets the zero point from the "HAT" tactile sensor in the table nest. When squegees are installed the blades are

FUJI IPII ESC 3 Cycle Alarm

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 23 10:21:45 EDT 2015 | kurtiss

During production the machine Cycle Alarm ESC 3. When cycling power the error shows up again during a zero set after performing the Z1 zero set. When it errors out on zero set the only option that the machine allows is to power off. Thanks in advance

DEK 265 solder paste printer

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 08 16:21:37 EST 2011 | nevercry14

Cannot zero set machine actuator problem need help.

ip3 mtu

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 15 12:46:15 EST 2011 | cyber_wolf

Seems odd that the machine would zero set if there was a sensor not being made.

Fuji QP242 tz axis comm error

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 06 16:48:01 EDT 2019 | linux

Change SCU card with next module, reboot. Zero set Send proper

Fuji CP6-5 Servo Z overflow?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 10:10:18 EDT 2006 | rmitchell

Hi, Our CP6-5 has a Z overflow error when trying to zero set. The table moves in X and Y and almost zeros prior to the Z overflow. Servo Amp? Rob

Heller Oven

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 14 13:00:28 EDT 2012 | mark25y2001

Try to check encoder if properly locked, also check encoder connector if properley inserted, if all good, it's possible that the conveyor controller or encoder problem... to check controller related just try to set in zero value, then if conveyor are

Fuji IP2 MTU giving me fits

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 21 09:40:40 EST 2018 | kdexter0928

I am at wits end with this machine. The MTU on my IP2 will not zero set. It gives me a few different errors depending on its mood. I receive MTU T- OT, MTU X- OT, or MTU Y- OT. when the machine attempts to zero set it travels until it OTs. I have tri

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