Electronics Forum: zeroing error (Page 1 of 10)

Universal Advantis zeroing

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 27 16:42:29 EST 2023 | dilogic

We have odd problem with zeroing of UIC Advantis (4982B). It performs axis zeroing without complaining (all axes enabled at the end), but after final move of the head to the center of the machine, it hangs without any error message. Status isshowing

VCD message error

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 07 18:34:51 EST 2021 | tamcrocker

Hello, I have an UMG VCD-H that is currently stop working due to a message " head Zero switch error" when retracting. I would like to know how to clear this message.

mydata 19 error

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 11 00:21:54 EST 2014 | bren

I suddenly encountered this error F-AXIS-C/9 Error says Axis has unstable zero point. Any advise?

DEK265GSX >>>motor commumincation error

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 26 12:26:16 EDT 2008 | dwelch123

Isn't that what I just said? Read it again. I said you can swap zero and one OR two and three.

VCD message error

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 15 12:20:26 EST 2021 | proceng1

It sounds like the homing switch isn't being made when it zeros. Alpha 1 Technologies can probably help. 607-772-2900 That's who we call for VCD issues.

DEK265GSX >>>motor commumincation error

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 26 08:11:15 EDT 2008 | dwelch123

Try swapping cards in Y1 enclosure. You can swap zero and one or two and three but make sure you change the shunt position and the dip switch settings and see if your problem switches cards. The lithium battery likes to fail on those cards. Reload th

Samsung QSA error

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 08 18:40:44 EDT 2017 | simons

We have a Samsung that we have replaced all the amps and are still getting the Z axis motor alarm failure. On the “Position Window” before and after we try to “Home” the machine, the values for “Z-Axis” for all three heads prior to the “Home” action

GSM1 error loading machine model

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 22 22:42:18 EDT 2016 | ttheis

Apparently the machine is now completing initialization but when attempting to zero axis' it has a time-out waiting to change modes. Machine status page shows an error reading "initialization failure for motion control board."

GSM1 error loading machine model

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 23 20:13:19 EDT 2016 | ttheis

UPDATE: For anyone experiencing similar issues it looks like it is bad axis control card(s.) It would make sense since that is what the message said... A red "fail" led was overlooked on one of the cards apparently. I had this same issue with anothe

Fuji IP3 MTU Servo error

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 11 15:31:10 EST 2020 | sumote

We have not used out tray handler in several years, and when I had a need arise the thing now throws a Servo Error "MTU1 ALARM [11081010]. There are 4 servo packs in the cabinet. When I try to initialize/zero out the machine the 2nd and 4th servo pa

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