Electronics Forum: zevatech group fm 740 (Page 1 of 1)

Need opinion about KE740 and KE760 !

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 27 15:43:06 EST 2005 | Mike

We need to know capabilties of Juki/Zevatech KE740(FM740)compared to KE760(FM760). Are they both compatible with FS730? Can someone help? Marry Xmass @ Happy New Year Mike

Zevatech 730\740 nozzle repair

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 20 18:52:40 EDT 1999 | Gary Kemp

Would like to find out if the nozzles used with the Zevatech FS730 and FM740 component placers are repairable. In other words, is there a way to get around having to cough up $500.00 per nozzle when one gets damaged? Any insight would be greatly ap

Need opinion about KE740 and KE760 !

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 03 22:00:32 EST 2006 | fdr4prez

Yes Rick, you are correct, Zevatech HBA, PPM7 & > PPM9 were all designed and built by Swiss. That > was a long long time ago. Sorry, I guess I forgot about those old beasts. Then don't forget about the good old CATs and Microns made by Zevatech

New to SMTnet

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 17 10:49:13 EDT 2018 | gpascolla

Hello, I am new to this group, and the company I am working for has started a SMT department we have an older and used line of equipment. We have a EKRA E-1 screen printer and a Juki FM-740. None of this I know how to program,any help would be much a

Transfering placement data from Juki 570 to 760 machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 28 11:56:53 EST 2010 | alexino76

Yes, u're right... U can do with Flexprogram; this is the dos based program that convert a zevatech file in a txt file or viceversa. You simple convert your PM file as txt and reconvert as FM740 format (g3g). After conversion u have to complete compo

Re: Starting an SMT line

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 06 12:46:22 EDT 1998 | Phillip Hunter

| We are investigating equipment for a new SMT line. We are an OEM doing thru hole assembly and now must decide whether to do SM assembly in house or sub-contract out. We are a low volume/high board mix company. | Our boards are mixed tech with SM on

Re: flip-chip placer

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 05 08:55:57 EDT 1998 | Dave F

| We are writing to have information about the automatic mounting process of flip-chip. | We want to know if it's possible to mount this type of component(flip-chip) with smt tecnology machines.( Pick and Place Tdk or Samsung machines). | Thanking yo


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