Electronics Forum: zevatech pm575 jig (Page 1 of 1)

Zevatech PM575 jigs

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 05 08:02:57 EST 2017 | menvox

Hi, I need calibration jigs for Zevatech PM575 (JUKI KP620). If you have available to sell, please advise. Thx

Juki / Zevatech PM575 Calibration Jigs Source

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 10 16:16:35 EDT 2019 | sam512bb

Good day All, I was curious if anyone has a source for Juki/Zevatech PM575 Calibration jigs? My machine's placement is off and various a bit and so it was recommended to calibration the laser alignment. Sadly, there are no service centers located a

PM575L manuals

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 26 10:01:26 EST 2006 | sagan

Hello everyone. I was wondering if anyone has any idea where i can get the manuals for the Zevatech PM575L. The company i work for just bought one but the manuals are missing. Anyone can help? Thank you in advance

SMD machine

Electronics Forum | Mon May 18 13:09:55 EDT 1998 | Edward P. Woldendorp, TwenTech

Wanted: by customer in the Netherlands: + used Zevatech PM575 SMD machine or comparable make and type having .4mm pitch and Vision. Capicity: 4,000 comp/hour will do. If available please give full configuration, age, location, asking price. Thank you

SMT Equipment

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 05 08:39:35 EST 2004 | pjc

Dave is correct in that the Zevatech is actually a Juki. Made by the Japanese Juki and labeled by the Swiss Zevatech. The PM 575 is somewhat vintage. I believe it may be all mechanical component centering. It may be OK for the 20mil fine pitch but ma

Juki / Zevatech 730/740 - MS Parameters window

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 30 21:13:43 EDT 2019 | marcarmo

Caro amigo Charlien poderia me dizer como proceder o item 11? do arquivo pdf ms parameter window? para mover a cabeça para bloco de calibração? deve ter algum comando ou atalho no teclado para movimentar a cabeça dela e baixar a cabeça até nivel de c

Juki / Zevatech 740 service manual

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 12 17:53:02 EDT 2016 | muzzy

Hi! If You have manuals in PDF form, I would be very grateful if You could send them at: muzzybox(at)o2(dot)pl. Thanks. Regarding Your problem with 0603 resistors - I'm not an expert when it comes to using this machine, but I think there could be a


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