Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 17 14:54:58 EST 2009 | jlawson
Hello > > I have a trouble with converting > CAD-Data in to Pick and Place Files. I have a > export-file from Cades-G and I need a File in the > ASCII-Format which includes REF, X, Y and DEG, > regardless of order to import in my ESSEMTEC > Pla
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 18 21:09:06 EST 2008 | cadfamily
Welcome to http: //www cadfamily com supply EDA/CAM Learning Tutorial free download!!! For example:Mentor Graphic,Cadence,PowerPCB,PADS,ORCAD,AGILENG,ANSOFT,SYNOPSYS,ZUKEN,GENESIS,VA LOR,UCAM,PARCAM,VXWORKS,TONARDO,ACTEL,ACTIVE-HDL,FPGA ETC.
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 15 10:28:06 EST 2009 | fönsi
Hello I have a trouble with converting CAD-Data in to Pick and Place Files. I have a export-file from Cades-G and I need a File in the ASCII-Format which includes REF, X, Y and DEG, regardless of order to import in my ESSEMTEC Placer. Some months ag
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 10 17:53:25 EST 2000 | Dave F
As fortune might have it, many CAD mfgrs use .pcb for their files. Just for a few: Zuken Visula, Pads Power-PCB, ACT CAM-350 and derivatives. Why not: * Read it into your present CAD system [assuming it's one that can read .pcb files] * Generate
Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 05 00:25:26 EDT 2017 | jlawson
Koh Young can also import ODB++ files, ALL major EDA tools offer ODB++ export, Mentor EDA tools for sure, Cadence, Altium, Zuken all offer ODB++ export...This has Part entities included as well as graphic data etc - is a full product data model. Can
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 13 08:33:16 EST 1999 | taff
Hi I'd like to ask how everyone routes their differential pairs. I'm not about to condem anyone's software ( SW Vendors should maybe take a look at the answers ) but I'm interested how PCB Designers route a board with 256 pairs, 150 microns width an
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 02 03:39:09 EST 1999 | cklau
FABmaster gold version can read many kinds of CAD data i.e Zuken CADSTAR , PADS ,Mentor Graphics, Cadence and etc and the best place that could find great information for manufacturing is thru the CAD data.FABmaster actually act as a multiple i/o for
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 19 15:16:35 EST 2014 | jlawson
Gerber in general is not best data set for assembly, alot of processing has to be done, manually or via software tools, all with their nice features, but as you state there is no actual datum XY , pin 1 , rotation references thus has to be 'generated
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