PCB Libraries, Inc. | https://www.pcblibraries.com/Forum/silkscreen-width_topic1465.html
all manufacturer are they able to manufacture this silkscreen width (0.12mm) ? thanks, Julien Tom H Members Profile Send Private Message Find Members Posts Add to Buddy List Admin Group Joined
PCB Libraries, Inc. | https://www.pcblibraries.com/Forum/silkscreen-width_topic1465_post5899.html
library, what thickness of silkscreen line you use ? In my actual components library I use 0.2mm but in the IPC 7351C, the nominal silkscreen line width is 0.12mm
PCB Libraries, Inc. | https://www.pcblibraries.com/forum/silkscreen-width_topic1465_post5899.html
library, what thickness of silkscreen line you use ? In my actual components library I use 0.2mm but in the IPC 7351C, the nominal silkscreen line width is 0.12mm
PCB Libraries, Inc. | https://www.pcblibraries.com/forum/sotfl-side-calculation_topic1125_post4447.html
)" pins have to be 100% the pin thickness. So in this case the nominal value for dim "c" on the datasheet is 0.12mm. (I usually try to use the max value
PCB Libraries, Inc. | https://www.pcblibraries.com/Forum/sotfl-side-calculation_topic1125.html
)" pins have to be 100% the pin thickness. So in this case the nominal value for dim "c" on the datasheet is 0.12mm. (I usually try to use the max value
PCB Libraries, Inc. | https://www.pcblibraries.com/Forum/sotfl-side-calculation_topic1125_post4433.html
)" pins have to be 100% the pin thickness. So in this case the nominal value for dim "c" on the datasheet is 0.12mm. (I usually try to use the max value
PCB Libraries, Inc. | https://www.pcblibraries.com/forum/sotfl-side-calculation_topic1125_post4437.html
)" pins have to be 100% the pin thickness. So in this case the nominal value for dim "c" on the datasheet is 0.12mm. (I usually try to use the max value
PCB Libraries, Inc. | https://www.pcblibraries.com/forum/sotfl-side-calculation_topic1125.html
)" pins have to be 100% the pin thickness. So in this case the nominal value for dim "c" on the datasheet is 0.12mm. (I usually try to use the max value
PCB Libraries, Inc. | https://www.pcblibraries.com/forum/topic1125&OB=ASC.html
)" pins have to be 100% the pin thickness. So in this case the nominal value for dim "c" on the datasheet is 0.12mm. (I usually try to use the max value
PCB Libraries, Inc. | https://www.pcblibraries.com/forum/ipcjstd001-chip-component-solder-joints_topic2588_post11181.html
! Even though the fate of IPC-7351C seems questionable, I see that in a slide deck you created that 0603's and higher got 0.12mm courtyard excess and 0402's had 0.15mm