Partner Websites: 2.pcb twist 200pc (Page 1 of 16)

LED PCB depaneling machine -PCB magazine loader,PCB turn conveyor,pcb conformal coating machine,PCB

ASCEN Technology |

. The cutting process with the low stress because of the multiple cutting.suit for cutting LED aluminum PCB panel,LED copper substrate, LED T8 tube etc. 2)This

ASCEN Technology

PCB Depaneling Machinery -PCB magazine loader,PCB turn conveyor,pcb conformal coating machine,PCB ro

ASCEN Technology |

|PCB manual separator|PCB automatic separator|precise PCB depanelization manufac Send Enquiry Download brochure Product Details PCB Depaneling Machinery suitable for the PCB with height component with no bend and twist effect after cutting   1

ASCEN Technology

High precision PCB separator-PCB magazine loader,PCB turn conveyor,pcb conformal coating machine,PCB

ASCEN Technology |

. And the edges of the board are quite smooth and won’t bend and twist after cutting. 2)Mitsubishi PLC intelligent control system with International universal SMEMA interface,easy to connect with upstream machine and easy to monitor PCB depaneling information.(optional) 3)The

ASCEN Technology

High precision PCB separator-PCB magazine loader,PCB turn conveyor,pcb conformal coating machine,PCB

ASCEN Technology |

. And the edges of the board are quite smooth and won’t bend and twist after cutting. 2)Mitsubishi PLC intelligent control system with International universal SMEMA interface,easy to connect with upstream machine and easy to monitor PCB depaneling information.(optional) 3)The

ASCEN Technology

PCB automatic separator-PCB magazine loader,PCB turn conveyor,pcb conformal coating machine,PCB rout

ASCEN Technology |

. * Suitable separating material of PCB :aluminum ,FR4,glass fiber. * This PCB automatic separator with 2 cutting module and 3 cutting module optional via the PCB board

ASCEN Technology

automatic PCB separator-PCB magazine loader,PCB turn conveyor,pcb conformal coating machine,PCB rout

ASCEN Technology |

. * Suitable cutting material of PCB :aluminum ,FR4,glass fiber. * This automatic PCB separator with 2 cutting module and 3 cutting module optional via the PCB board

ASCEN Technology

Auto PCB cutting machine -PCB magazine loader,PCB turn conveyor,pcb conformal coating machine,PCB ro

ASCEN Technology |

2.4M Stainless steel platform(could be custom make) ● Lower cutting stress to improve depaneling effect ●Depaneling 2 PCBs at one time, PCB width could be adjustable from(0~12mm

ASCEN Technology

PCB V cut depaneling machine-PCB magazine loader,PCB turn conveyor,pcb conformal coating machine,PCB

ASCEN Technology |

. And the edges of the board are quite smooth and won’t bend and twist after cutting. 2)Mitsubishi PLC intelligent control system with International universal SMEMA interface,easy to connect with upstream machine and easy to monitor PCB depaneling information.(optional) 3)The

ASCEN Technology

LED panel PCB depaneler-PCB magazine loader,PCB turn conveyor,pcb conformal coating machine,PCB rout

ASCEN Technology |

. And the edges of the board are quite smooth and won’t bend and twist after cutting. 2)Mitsubishi PLC intelligent control system with International universal SMEMA interface,easy to connect with upstream machine and easy to monitor PCB depaneling information.(optional) 3)The

ASCEN Technology

multi-strip PCB separator-PCB magazine loader,PCB turn conveyor,pcb conformal coating machine,PCB ro

ASCEN Technology |

. And the edges of the board are quite smooth and won’t bend and twist after cutting. 2)Mitsubishi PLC intelligent control system with International universal SMEMA interface,easy to connect with upstream machine and easy to monitor PCB depaneling information.(optional) 3)The

ASCEN Technology

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