61 2d-solder 20passed 2-wire results

Partner Websites: 2d-solder 20passed 2-wire (Page 1 of 7)

SPI- Solder Paste Inspection Systems Archives - Lewis and Clark

Lewis & Clark | http://www.lewis-clark.com/product-category/spi/

  (8) Uncategorized  (1) Wave Solder  (2) Wire Bonder  (0) X-Ray  (16) New Products 2007 Manncorp MC-384 Pick and Place 2014 Mydata My200SX-14 Pick and Place Aqueous Technologies AQ400 Batch Washer 2012 Manncorp MC-388 Pick and Place Teradyne Spectrum 8851 In-Circuit

Lewis & Clark

Screen Printer Archives - Page 2 of 3 - Lewis and Clark

Lewis & Clark | http://www.lewis-clark.com/product-category/screen-printer/page/2/

  (8) Uncategorized  (1) Wave Solder  (2) Wire Bonder  (0) X-Ray  (16) New Products 2014 Mydata My200SX-14 Pick and Place Aqueous Technologies AQ400 Batch Washer 2012 Manncorp MC-388 Pick and Place Teradyne Spectrum 8851 In-Circuit Tester 2008 Universal 4796L 2016

Lewis & Clark

Kugelscher-/Lötkugelscher-Test| Nordson DAGE

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions | https://www.nordson.com/de-DE/divisions/dage/test-types/ball-shear-solder-ball-shear?page=2

während des Tests gemessen.  Die Scherprüfung erfolgt in Übereinstimmung mit: JEDEC JESD22-B116 - Au Ball Shear JEDEC JESD22-B117 – Solder Ball Shear ASTM F1269 - Ball Bond Shear Die Position des Scherwerkzeugs während der

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions

Energy | Nordson DAGE

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions | https://www.nordson.com/en/divisions/dage/industries/energy?con=t&page=2

& Polymer Textile Product Types View All X-Ray Inspection Systems (5) Bondtesters (2) Micro Materials Tester (2) Software (1) Test Types PCBA (4) Wafer (4) Ball Shear Solder Ball Shear

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions

Test and Inspection

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions | https://www.nordson.com/en/divisions/dage/applications/test-and-inspection?page=2

) X-Ray Inspection Systems (14) Micro Materials Tester (3) Wafer X-ray Metrology (2) X-ray Counting Systems (2) Software (1) Test Types Ball Shear Solder Ball Shear (9) Bump Shear (9) Cavity Shear (9) Cold Bump Pull (9) Die Shear (7) Wire Pull (7) Wafer (6

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions

Kavitätsschertest| Nordson DAGE

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions | https://www.nordson.com/de-DE/divisions/dage/test-types/cavity-shear?page=2

gewünschte Fehlermodus erreicht wird. Die Scherprüfung erfolgt in Übereinstimmung mit: JEDEC JESD22-B116 - Au Ball Shear JEDEC JESD22-B117 - Solder Ball Shear

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions

Micro Materials Tester | Nordson DAGE

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions | https://www.nordson.com/en/divisions/dage/products/micro-materials-tester?con=t&page=6

 (1) MEMS (1) Test Types Ball Shear Solder Ball Shear (2) Bump Shear (2) Cavity Shear (2) Cold Bump Pull (2) Die Shear (2) Fatigue Push-Pull (2) High Force Pull (2) Hot Bump Pull (2) Peel Testing (2) Ribbon Peel (2) Ribbon Pull (2) Torsion Testing (2) Tweezer Pull (2) Wire Pull (2) Brittle Fracture Testing

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions

Screen Printer Archives - Lewis and Clark

Lewis & Clark | http://www.lewis-clark.com/product-category/screen-printer/

  (8) Uncategorized  (1) Wave Solder  (2) Wire Bonder  (0) X-Ray  (17) New Products Genrad 2284i In-Circuit Tester Universal Instruments Advantis 4982B Pick and Place Universal Instruments Advantis Flex Jet 4982 Pick and Place Tyco AEP-12T Press 2014 Glenbrook Jewel Box 70T (PXS5-822SA

Lewis & Clark

Screen Printer Archives - Page 3 of 3 - Lewis and Clark

Lewis & Clark | http://www.lewis-clark.com/product-category/screen-printer/page/3/

  (8) Uncategorized  (1) Wave Solder  (2) Wire Bonder  (0) X-Ray  (16) New Products 2007 Manncorp MC-384 Pick and Place 2014 Mydata My200SX-14 Pick and Place Aqueous Technologies AQ400 Batch Washer 2012 Manncorp MC-388 Pick and Place Teradyne Spectrum 8851 In-Circuit

Lewis & Clark

Zonen-Schertest | Nordson DAGE

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions | https://www.nordson.com/de-DE/divisions/dage/test-types/zone-shear?page=2

. Low profile zone shear Low profile zone shear testing (up to 50mm/second) is applicable when the die or the solder balls are very thin and their height profile is low relative to the surface that they are bonded to

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions

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