ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |
clear optical lenses. This was causing a high scrap rate and they needed a solution that would improve the product quality and reduce or eliminate this scrap rate
ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |
& minimize scrap rates with Xaloy® Extrusion Screw Solutions A high scrap rate cuts your profitability. There are many possible causes that can lead to quality issues and a high scrap rate
ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |
Extrusion Screw Technology Could your production rate be higher? ...Your melt temperature lower? ...Your scrap rate reduced? …Your product quality better
10.5.3, it appears these are a defect(scrap), but it does not affect our end use form, fit, or function and we hate to scrap product without a good reason. Is this possible? Answer
ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |
stresses throughout the melting process. Benefits: Optimum plasticizing rate and recovery times Increased plasticizing rate of unmelted material Maximized melting efficiency through controlled shear forces of the polymer Valve prevents polymer
. Certification in this course translates into substantial savings for your company as your scrap rate diminishes. While these courses are often perceived as similar, there are specific distinctions that must be made clear
. Certification in this course translates into substantial savings for your company as your scrap rate diminishes. While these courses are often perceived as similar, there are specific distinctions that must be made clear
ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |
™ Cast Film Die Recommended for applications where thermally sensitive materials are being used and frequent rate changes are made Elongated teardrop, diminishing volume manifold improves layer
ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |
. Temperature and pressure sensor ports are included in the pump housing. Benefits: Reduction of stress on the extruder by means of shifting the job of building pressure to the gear pump Reducing extruder head pressure may yield increased throughput rate leading to maximized