Partner Websites: bottom terminated components void (Page 7 of 10)

Webinars and Webtorials

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA) |

.  Three surface finishes including OSP, ImAg, and ENIG are considered. The test vehicle consists of 15mm and 6mm Ball Grid Array (BGA) components. The assembled test boards were isothermally aged at 125oC for 12 months, which are then thermally cycled between -40oC to

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)


Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA) |

.  Three surface finishes including OSP, ImAg, and ENIG are considered. The test vehicle consists of 15mm and 6mm Ball Grid Array (BGA) components. The assembled test boards were isothermally aged at 125oC for 12 months, which are then thermally cycled between -40oC to

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Peel Back Force Tester User Guide

GPD Global |

. Test results are recorded for incoming or outgoing taped components. Theory of Operation Set up involves loading and aligning a reel or strip of component carrier tape, verifying peel speed, configuring the printer, and, as needed, modifying test parameters

GPD Global


GPD Global |

. Test results are recorded for incoming or outgoing taped components. Theory of Operation Set up involves loading and aligning a reel or strip of component carrier tape, verifying peel speed, configuring the printer, and, as needed, modifying test parameters

GPD Global

Peel Back Force Teseter with SPC

GPD Global |

. Test results are recorded for incoming or outgoing taped components. Theory of Operation Set up involves loading and aligning a reel or strip of component carrier tape, verifying peel speed, configuring the printer, and, as needed, modifying test parameters

GPD Global

Peel Back Force Tester User Guide

GPD Global |

. Test results are recorded for incoming or outgoing taped components. Theory of Operation Set up involves loading and aligning a reel or strip of component carrier tape, verifying peel speed, configuring the printer, and, as needed, modifying test parameters

GPD Global


GPD Global |

. Test results are recorded for incoming or outgoing taped components. Theory of Operation Set up involves loading and aligning a reel or strip of component carrier tape, verifying peel speed, configuring the printer, and, as needed, modifying test parameters

GPD Global

Peel Back Force Teseter with SPC

GPD Global |

. Test results are recorded for incoming or outgoing taped components. Theory of Operation Set up involves loading and aligning a reel or strip of component carrier tape, verifying peel speed, configuring the printer, and, as needed, modifying test parameters

GPD Global

PBFT VS SPC User Guide

GPD Global |

terms of this warranty. Such items include fuses, lights, filters, belts, etc. Warranty Procedures and Remedy Limitations. The sole and exclusive remedy of the buyer in the event that the system or any components of the system do not conform to the

GPD Global

PBFT VS SPC User Guide

GPD Global |

terms of this warranty. Such items include fuses, lights, filters, belts, etc. Warranty Procedures and Remedy Limitations. The sole and exclusive remedy of the buyer in the event that the system or any components of the system do not conform to the

GPD Global

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