PCB Libraries, Inc. | https://www.pcblibraries.com/forum/txs02612rtwr-footprint-issues_topic2244_post9285.html
TXS02612RTWR Footprint Issues - PCB Libraries Forum Forum Home > Libraries > Footprints / Land Patterns New Posts FAQ Search Events Register Login TXS02612RTWR Footprint Issues
ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions | https://www.nordson.com/en/divisions/dage/test-types-2020/connectors
Connector testing X-Ray Inspection and Test Products Corporate | Global Directory | Languages Division Only All of Nordson Home Products Bondtesting Systems Micro Materials Testing Wafer Inspection and Metrology X-ray Inspection Systems X-ray Counting Systems Applications Battery
| https://www.eptac.com/soldertips/soldertips-solderability-issues-with-nickle-plated-surfaces/
: Solderability Issues with Nickle Plated Surfaces Question: We are working with components with leads of tin/lead over nickel. After the manufacturing processes, some of the pins are exhibiting what appears to be flaking plating, leaving behind unsolderable surfaces
1st Place Machinery Inc. | http://www.firstplacemachinery.com/firstplace_tyco_connector_press.html
Tyco Connector Press Tyco SEP 3T Shuttle Electric Press Year 2008 - Like New Condition Standalone electric press for the application of PCBs onto compliant pin housings or connectors
PCB Libraries, Inc. | https://www.pcblibraries.com/forum/topic677&OB=DESC.html
) for the padstacks associated with pins 13-16 of the enclosed connector footprint I find less the 5mils of clearance between pads
PCB Libraries, Inc. | https://www.pcblibraries.com/forum/topic677&OB=ASC.html
/Connector.jpg Hello. Using IPC density level C (Least) for the padstacks associated with pins 13-16 of the enclosed connector footprint I find less the 5mils of clearance between pads. (4.8mils
| https://www.eptac.com/webinar/defects-lead-protrusion-damaged-pins/
& Damaged Pins Questions always arise about how much lead protrusion is enough or too much. This session will review issues related to lead protrusion in both supported and unsupported holes and what is considered acceptable or a defect
PCB Libraries, Inc. | https://www.pcblibraries.com/forum/topic3050&OB=ASC.html
Reorder Pins issue - PCB Libraries Forum Forum Home > Libraries > Footprints / Land Patterns New Posts FAQ Search Events Register Login Reorder Pins issue
| https://www.eptac.com/soldertip/gold-removal-issues-with-hollow-cup-connectors/
: We are having a hard time with the removal of gold from hollow cup connectors. Using lead free solder, we are wicking the solder out with braid, but what is happening is that the pins are getting overheated and coming loose from the connector
| https://www.eptac.com/faqs/soldertips/soldertip/gold-removal-issues-with-hollow-cup-connectors
: We are having a hard time with the removal of gold from hollow cup connectors. Using lead free solder, we are wicking the solder out with braid, but what is happening is that the pins are getting overheated and coming loose from the connector