| https://www.eptac.com/ask/ipc-j-std-001-5-1-3-question-on-wire-tinning/
” or bare copper, does this count? Would it need to be dipped in a solder pot (tinned) before soldering in a through hole? Answer: The tinning of the wire strands is a manufacturing process to protect the wire strands from oxidizing
| https://www.eptac.com/faqs/ask-helena-leo/page/5
: I know for tinning stranded wires you should not use Type H or M flux, so we are ordering a No-clean solder Sn63Pb37 with a flux designator ROL0
ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions | https://www.nordson.com/en/divisions/select/soldering-processes/selective-soldering-workshops
4.0 Software Infrared Preheating Board Warp Compensation Auto Solder Nozzle Tinning Bullet and Mini-Wave Solder Nozzle Dual Solder Nozzles 75 mm Wave Nozzle Solder Pot Service Cart De-bridging Knife
| https://www.eptac.com/faqs/ask-helena-leo/page/7
: Hello, I would like to know the benefits of tip tinning and tip maintenance. Is it necessary to tin and turn off irons when not in use
| https://www.eptac.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/eptac_04_18_12.pdf
ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions | https://www.nordson.com/en/divisions/efd/resource-center/solder-glossary-of-terms
. Alloy A substance composed of two or more metal elements. Example: Sn96.5 Ag3.0 Cu0.5 is 96.5% Tin, 3.0% Silver, and 0.5% Copper. Generally, alloys will have different properties than those exhibited by their individual elements (e.g
ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions | https://www.nordson.com/en/divisions/efd/resources/solder-dictionary-of-terms
. Activator is consumed by heat over time. Alloy A substance composed of two or more metal elements. Example: Sn96.5 Ag3.0 Cu0.5 is 96.5% Tin, 3.0% Silver, and 0.5% Copper. Generally, alloys will have different properties than those exhibited by their individual elements
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