Partner Websites: design guideline (Page 1 of 14)

PCB Libraries Forum

PCB Libraries, Inc. |

;IPC-7352 is NOT a Standard. It's a Generic Guideline for Land Pattern Design. There's no such thing as violating a Guideline

PCB Libraries, Inc.

IPC-7351 or Manufacturer Recommended Footprint? - PCB Libraries Forum

PCB Libraries, Inc. |

) with LE and I compare it with the manufacturer recommended footprint.  I notice differences, the MRF does not respect the IPC-7351 design rules

PCB Libraries, Inc.

IPC-7351 or Manufacturer Recommended Footprint? - PCB Libraries Forum

PCB Libraries, Inc. |

) with LE and I compare it with the manufacturer recommended footprint.  I notice differences, the MRF does not respect the IPC-7351 design rules

PCB Libraries, Inc.

IPC-7351 or Manufacturer Recommended Footprint? - PCB Libraries Forum

PCB Libraries, Inc. |

) with LE and I compare it with the manufacturer recommended footprint.  I notice differences, the MRF does not respect the IPC-7351 design rules

PCB Libraries, Inc.

Naming Convention for PTH Headers - PCB Libraries Forum

PCB Libraries, Inc. |

.   Then the new Guideline will go into type setting for first article proof and then in February 2016 production should begin.   The IPC-7351C Guideline is 90

PCB Libraries, Inc.

Naming Convention for PTH Headers - PCB Libraries Forum

PCB Libraries, Inc. |

.   Then the new Guideline will go into type setting for first article proof and then in February 2016 production should begin.   The IPC-7351C Guideline is 90

PCB Libraries, Inc.

Footprints for High Vibration and Shock - PCB Libraries Forum

PCB Libraries, Inc. |

. I'm aware of other design techniques to mitigate vibration/shock susceptibility, I'm really just interested in knowing if there's been any work in this area for PCB SMT footprints

PCB Libraries, Inc.

Footprints for High Vibration and Shock - PCB Libraries Forum

PCB Libraries, Inc. |

. I'm aware of other design techniques to mitigate vibration/shock susceptibility, I'm really just interested in knowing if there's been any work in this area for PCB SMT footprints

PCB Libraries, Inc.

Process Troubleshooting

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |

. The guidelines expressed in this document are intended to be general in nature and are influenced by the design aspects of printed circuit boards, thermal mass of through-hole components, various

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions

Odd Values IPC-7351C BGA +Var - PCB Libraries Forum

PCB Libraries, Inc. |

. But you can change them to whatever you want.  IPC-7351C is a guideline, not a Standard.  Stay connected - follow us! Twitter - LinkedIn

PCB Libraries, Inc.

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