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Reflow Soldering Oven Process Requirements-News-Reflow oven,SMT Reflow Soldering Oven-cmsadmin


. The welding effect of a printed board must be checked.   5. Whether the soldering is sufficient, whether the surface of the solder joint is smooth, whether the solder joint shape is half-moon shape, the condition of tin balls and residue, the condition of

Precision Auger Pump

GPD Global |

: particles deform and clog the nozzle or accumulate on the cartridge wall and lead to binding. Additionally, the shearing effect can cause excessive wear

GPD Global

Precision Auger Pump

GPD Global |

: particles deform and clog the nozzle or accumulate on the cartridge wall and lead to binding. Additionally, the shearing effect can cause excessive wear

GPD Global

Precision Auger Pump

GPD Global |

: particles deform and clog the nozzle or accumulate on the cartridge wall and lead to binding. Additionally, the shearing effect can cause excessive wear

GPD Global

Orcad 17.2 Decimal Separator Issue - PCB Libraries Forum - Page 2

PCB Libraries, Inc. |

. This is done to bypass the needless warnings from Allegro. It shouldn’t have any effect on the manufacturing. o    Fixed an issue that was generating duplicate pad stacks for symmetrical pads at different orientations as found on a Chip Resistor, etc

PCB Libraries, Inc.

Orcad 17.2 Decimal Separator Issue - PCB Libraries Forum - Page 2

PCB Libraries, Inc. |

. This is done to bypass the needless warnings from Allegro. It shouldn’t have any effect on the manufacturing. o    Fixed an issue that was generating duplicate pad stacks for symmetrical pads at different orientations as found on a Chip Resistor, etc

PCB Libraries, Inc.

Orcad 17.2 Decimal Separator Issue - PCB Libraries Forum - Page 2

PCB Libraries, Inc. |

. This is done to bypass the needless warnings from Allegro. It shouldn’t have any effect on the manufacturing. o    Fixed an issue that was generating duplicate pad stacks for symmetrical pads at different orientations as found on a Chip Resistor, etc

PCB Libraries, Inc.

Edit Dispenser Configuration

GPD Global |

: Press X as a keyboard shortcut. 6. Choose Yes from the exit vedit dialog. TIP: Press Y as a keyboard shortcut. 7. Reboot the dispenser for the change to take effect. WARNING

GPD Global

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