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Importing PCB CAD, Gerber, XY Rotation, BOM Files, etc. GENCAD, ODB++, IPC-2581, IPC-D-356, etc. | U


Importing PCB CAD, Gerber, XY Rotation, BOM Files, etc. GENCAD, ODB++, IPC-2581, IPC-D-356, etc. | Unisoft ≡ Menu Skip navigation For over 35 years, Intelligent PCB Manufacturing Automation Software Be production ready in minutes, not days

XYR sample files | Unisoft


& Fixture GERBER Translations Other Services Testimonials Overview Pricing Contact Us SAMPLE PCB assembly ( PCBA ) X/Y CENTER & ROTATION FILES Below are examples of files that contain reference designator, X/Y center, rotation, etc

PCB Libraries Forum : Orientation Limited To 0-90 Degrees

PCB Libraries, Inc. |

. What I cannot do is set it to -45 (or 135 etc)... and I still need to be able to do this. Orientation Limited To 0-90 Degrees : Offsets are only allowed on the... Author: Jeff.MSubject: 2004Posted: 08 Nov 2016 at 12

PCB Libraries, Inc.

software assembly documents feeder and nozzle assignments for assembly machines | Unisoft


feeder NF8MM / Juki nozzle 504 391777-08-4 Juki feeder NF16MM / Juki nozzle 507 390579-03-3 Juki feeder NF32MM / Juki nozzle 509 Part Number - Sequence - Clinch angle, etc

understanding component rotations. | Unisoft


: Calculating rotations to be used to program Pick & Place assembly machines, AOI machines, etc. can be a problem and bottom side component rotations more so

software assembly documents assembly instructions with costs | Unisoft


% 0.04 391770-02-0 Mydata / Mycronic - RESISTOR 10K_2% 0.045 391777-06-8 FLIP 180 (CAD model reversed) - Mydata / Mycronic - CAPACITOR 0.01UF_50V_20

LED Reflow Oven Conditions and Temperature Time Control-News-Reflow oven,SMT Reflow Soldering Oven-c


. It depends on the temperature resistance of the LED lamp bead packaging material;   b. It depends on what material the LED welding base material is, such as general PCB (fiber board, etc

Orientation Limited To 0-90 Degrees - PCB Libraries Forum

PCB Libraries, Inc. |

. Pad orientations are limited to 0, 90, 180 or 270 (depending on the shape). Round or square - 0 only. Oblong, rectangle - 0 & 90. D shape an other asymmetrical pads can be 0, 90, 180, or 270

PCB Libraries, Inc.

Orientation Limited To 0-90 Degrees - PCB Libraries Forum

PCB Libraries, Inc. |

. Pad orientations are limited to 0, 90, 180 or 270 (depending on the shape). Round or square - 0 only. Oblong, rectangle - 0 & 90. D shape an other asymmetrical pads can be 0, 90, 180, or 270

PCB Libraries, Inc.

PCB X Y Center Rotation ( XYR ) File Importing to Program Pick & Place & AOI Machines | Unisoft


. Two example XYR files: R19 -5.375 -0.95 180 TOP R20 -5.5 -1.225 270 TOP R22 -5.5 -0.95 90 BOT R219 RES0805 5720 mil 1410 mil 5720 mil 1410 mil

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