ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |
. RMA flux residue is clear, soft, non-corrosive, and non-conductive. Cleaning is optional. Residue may be removed with an appropriate solvent. Rosin Activated (RA
ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |
. RMA flux residue is clear, soft, non-corrosive, and non-conductive. Cleaning is optional. Residue may be removed with an appropriate solvent. Rosin Activated (RA
. Prevent component and PCB corrosion Flux residues left on electronic circuit boards are acidic. If they are not removed through a cleaning process, the residue can absorb ambient moisture from the air and cause corrosion of component leads and PCB contacts
ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |
ControlFlow Solder Nozzles Drop-Jet Fluxing Full Surface Preheating In-Process Flux Verification Microdrop Flux Dispenser Parallel Double Selective Soldering PhotoScan Software Solder Nozzle Cleaning Spray Fluxing SWAK-OS
ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |
. There are additional details of alloy and flux performance not covered that can be very important in the selection process. It is always worth a call to your Nordson EFD solder sales specialist to review requirements to ensure you are using the best solder paste for the job. Step 1
ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |
. There are additional details of alloy and flux performance not covered that can be very important in the selection process. It is always worth a call to your Nordson EFD solder sales specialist to review requirements to ensure you are using the best solder paste for the job. Step 1
ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |
process. Reflow profiles are most commonly associated with printed circuit boards heated in reflow ovens. Residue The portion of flux that remains after solder paste has been reflowed. Rosin Activated (RA) Consists of rosin, solvent, and aggressive
ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |
. RA flux has higher activity than RMA for moderately oxidized surfaces. Most RA flux residues are corrosive and should be removed. Maximum safe time before cleaning is product dependent. Residue may be removed with an appropriate solvent. Rosin Mildly
. You will have to define the type of solvent to be used to remove the rosin flux residues be it either manually or through a solvent cleaning systems