Heller Industries Inc. | https://hellerindustries.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Optimizing-Reflowed-Solder-TIM-sTIMs-Processes-for-Emerging-Heterogeneous.pdf
. This frequency/phonon mismatch between the fluids and fillers creates a thermal pathway with multiple interfacial resistances. In the case of metallic TIMs, however, the electronic phonons universally couple between the metal TIM and the interface surfaces, with only oxides and intermetallics potentially increasing the
GPD Global | https://www.gpd-global.com/co_website/pdf/doc/Dispense-System-Service-Guide-22290008G.pdf
en cours d’exécution, sinon un message de violation de la sécu- rité apparaîtra et le programme sera inter- rompu. VORSICHT! Bei laufendem Programm dürfen Sie die Schutz- abdeckung NICHT öff- nen. Andernfalls wird ein Sicherheitsverstoß gemeldet und
GPD Global | https://www.gpd-global.com/pdf/doc/Dispense-System-Service-Guide-22290008G.pdf
inter- rompu. VORSICHT! Bei laufendem Programm dürfen Sie die Schutz- abdeckung NICHT öff- nen. Andernfalls wird ein Sicherheitsverstoß gemeldet und das Pro- gramm abgebrochen. ATTENZIONE NON aprire la protezione di sicurezza durante l’esecuzione di un
GPD Global | https://www.gpd-global.com/co_website/pdf/GPD-Global-CMRT-2021.xlsx
. Added “PT Tinindo Internusa” as alias of “PT Tinindo Inter Nusa” 16. Added “CV Jus Tindo” as alias of “CV JusTindo” 17. Added “PT Bellitin Makmur Lestari” and “BML” as alias of
GPD Global | https://www.gpd-global.com/pdf/GPD-Global-CMRT-2021.xlsx
. Added “PT Tinindo Internusa” as alias of “PT Tinindo Inter Nusa” 16. Added “CV Jus Tindo” as alias of “CV JusTindo” 17. Added “PT Bellitin Makmur Lestari” and “BML” as alias of
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