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KingFei SMT Tech | http://www.smtspare-parts.com/sale-11140440-kic-x5-thermal-profiler-with-spc-software-and-rf-capability-for-reflow.html
. Finally, manual prediction capability allows users to instantly view expected results to changes in the profile. Better Hardware, Longer Warranty Featuring new improvements in hardware, the X5 thermal profiler from KIC is designed to withstand daily use in the toughest production environments, a claim
KingFei SMT Tech | https://www.smtspare-parts.com/sale-11140440-kic-x5-thermal-profiler-with-spc-software-and-rf-capability-for-reflow.html
. Finally, manual prediction capability allows users to instantly view expected results to changes in the profile. Better Hardware, Longer Warranty Featuring new improvements in hardware, the X5 thermal profiler from KIC is designed to withstand daily use in the toughest production environments, a claim
Heller Industries Inc. | https://hellerindustries.com/kic/
. To utilize this capability & enable extreme fast reflow oven setup and changeover we offer the optional KIC Auto-Focus Power software
Heller 公司 | https://hellerindustries.com.cn/kic/
軟體。 Auto-Focus Power™利用一個智慧資料庫,瞭解HELLER迴流爐與每個獨特的裝配和工藝範圍有關的熱特性。開始新的裝配生產時,使用者只需輸入產品的長度,寬度和重量以及所需的工藝視窗即可。在運行配置檔之前,Auto-Focus將在幾秒鐘內顯示推薦的迴流爐程式。只需按一下即可將新程序下載到迴流爐中。 出廠時,是不帶Auto-Focus資料庫的,但是在運行十幾個profile后開始提出迴流爐設置建議。KIC強大的性能分析軟體可減少生產停機時間,返工和報廢,同時提高性能的一致性。 智慧迴
Heller 公司 | http://hellerindustries.com.cn/kic.php
软件。 Auto-Focus Power™ 利用一个智能数据库,可了解Heller烤箱与每个独特的装配和工艺范围有关的热特性。开始新的装配生产时,用户只需输入产品的长度,宽度和重量以及所需的工艺窗口即可。在运行配置文件之前,自动对焦将在几秒钟内显示推荐的烤箱程序。只需单击一下即可将新程序下载到烤箱中。 出厂时是不带Auto-Focus数据库的,但是在运行十几个profile后开始提出烤箱设置建议。 KIC强大的性能分析软件可减少生产停机时间,返工和报废,同时提高性能的一致性。 智能烤箱技术 所有
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Samsung pick and place machine SM482plus , reflow oven , AOI inspection machine etc. And we also tested the reflow oven temperature profile by KIC profiler for customer
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Samsung pick and place machine SM482plus , reflow oven , AOI inspection machine etc. And we also tested the reflow oven temperature profile by KIC profiler for customer