| https://ipcapexexpo.org/sites/default/files/inline-files/IPC-APEX-EXPO-2021-Exhibitor-Prospectus.pdf
% D ir ec to r/ M an ag er 29% 22% 7% 14% E n g in ee r E xe cu ti ve M an ag em en t Te ch n ic ia n , D es ig n er , C o n su lt an t Tr ai n er , O th er 28
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ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions | https://www.nordson.com/en/our-company/news-room/news-releases/nordson-establishes-steve-adamson-memorial-annual-scholarship-fund
. Adamson previously held positions with Kodak, Motorola in the U.S., and Plessey, International Computers Ltd in the U.K. He was awarded five US and two UK patents
| https://unisoft-cim.com/customer.php
Moog Broad Reach Incorporated Motorola Incorporated – France Motorola Incorporated – USA MPL Incorporated* Multi Tech System Multi-Amp Corporation* MVINIX Corporation* MX Electronics Manufacturing Incorporated* Myers Engineering International
| http://www.thebranfordgroup.com/dnn3/Auctions/RecentAuctions.aspx
: Forklifts, Vehicles, Compressors, Racking Dalton, GA Sublimity #3 [Online] SOLD - Auction Closed on 12/15/2022 Assets formerly owned by Sublimity Therapeutics Limited R&D - Capsule Mfg
| http://www.thebranfordgroup.com/dnn3/Auctions/PastSales/tabid/58/Default.aspx
Sublimity #3 [Online] SOLD - Auction Closed on 12/15/2022 Assets formerly owned by Sublimity Therapeutics Limited R&D - Capsule Mfg. Equipment as late as 2019 Laboratory Analytical Instruments Freund Vector Hi-Coater System Cork & Limerick Ireland Branson
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