ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |
. Flux comes in three forms: solid, paste, and liquid. Solid flux is most often found inside flux core solder wire. Paste flux is used for precise flux application
. We are using a lead-free organic rosin core solder and apply additional liquid rosin flux when soldering fine pitch components. We are running the soldering irons between 750 and 800 F
: We are having a problem with soldering tips oxidizing and becoming unusable after a few hours use. We are using a lead-free organic rosin core solder and apply additional liquid rosin flux when soldering fine pitch components
Imagineering, Inc. |
– A prepreg is a sheet of woven-glass fabric that holds a resin in place, which is heated to become extremely hard. It allows for the bonding of different laminates and foils
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