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Rotating Turn - Clamp-Trade Info-Reflow oven,SMT Reflow Soldering Oven-cmsadmin Reflow oven,SMT Reflow Soldering Oven 当前位置: Home >> News >> Trade Info Rotating Turn - Clamp Rotating Turn - Clamp This unit rotates a PCB without changing SMT line flow direction
Lewis & Clark | http://www.lewis-clark.com/product-tag/ge/
|x X-ray System- 2005 Make: GE Model: Nanome|x Vintage: 2005 Operating System: Windows 2000 Details: BGA Analysis Wire Sweep Calculation Voiding Calculation Automatic Positioning Control 160kV Nanofocus X-ray Tube OVHM- Oblique View at Highest Magnification Rotary Table-Rotates 360
Lewis & Clark | http://www.lewis-clark.com/product-tag/nanomex/
|x X-ray System- 2005 Make: GE Model: Nanome|x Vintage: 2005 Operating System: Windows 2000 Details: BGA Analysis Wire Sweep Calculation Voiding Calculation Automatic Positioning Control 160kV Nanofocus X-ray Tube OVHM- Oblique View at Highest Magnification Rotary Table-Rotates 360
1st Place Machinery Inc. | http://www.firstplacemachinery.com/firstplace_smt_pcb_pickandplace_fuji153b.html
. The machine has Twin-Carrousel Placing Heads which provide high efficiency. Each is fitted with 16 nozzles. On the fly vision processing is performed as the placing head rotates
Lewis & Clark | https://www.lewis-clark.com/product-tag/x-ray-2/
: Windows 2000 Details: BGA Analysis Wire Sweep Calculation Voiding Calculation Automatic Positioning Control 160kV Nanofocus X-ray Tube OVHM- Oblique View at Highest Magnification Rotary Table-Rotates 360
ASCEN Technology | https://www.ascen.ltd/Products/PCB_board_assembly_system/PCB_depaneling_/135.html
. The PCB cutting machine is placed on the adapted platform and moves along the guide blade. The lower round blade actively rotates and the upper round knife is rotates passively
ASCEN Technology | https://www.ascen.ltd/Products/PCB_board_assembly_system/PCB_depaneling_/176.html
. 2, The product is placed on the adapted platform and moves along the guide blade. The lower round blade actively rotates and the upper round knife is rotates passively
ASCEN Technology | https://www.ascen.ltd/Products/PCB_depaneling_machine/135.html
. The PCB cutting machine is placed on the adapted platform and moves along the guide blade. The lower round blade actively rotates and the upper round knife is rotates passively
Lewis & Clark | http://www.lewis-clark.com/product/ge-nanomex-x-ray-system-vintage-2005/
: Windows 2000 Details: BGA Analysis Wire Sweep Calculation Voiding Calculation Automatic Positioning Control 160kV Nanofocus X-ray Tube OVHM- Oblique View at Highest Magnification Rotary Table-Rotates 360
ASCEN Technology | https://www.ascen.ltd/Products/PCB_depaneling_machine/176.html
. 2, The product is placed on the adapted platform and moves along the guide blade. The lower round blade actively rotates and the upper round knife is rotates passively