ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |
Nordson’s Scope 1 and Scope 2 energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Our Scope 1 and Scope 2 environmental footprint compares favorably with many other manufacturing and industrial companies on a normalized emissions/revenue intensity basis
ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |
für den Scope-1- und Scope-2-Energieverbrauch und die CO2-Emissionen von Nordson festgelegt. Unsere Scope-1- und Scope-2-Umweltbilanz schneidet im Vergleich zu vielen anderen Fertigungs- und Industrieunternehmen auf einer normalisierten Emissions-/Umsatzintensitätsbasis gut ab
ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |
. Nel 2021, abbiamo implementato una soluzione di gestione delle bollette (UBM) per compilare centralmente i nostri dati energetici e abbiamo stabilito linee di base globali per il consumo energetico di Scope 1 e Scope 2 e le emissioni di CO2 di Nordson
ORION Industries |
implemented and maintains a Quality Management System. Scope: Precision die cutting and converting of thermal interface, insulating and sealing materials for the aerospace, defense and commercial electronics industries
PCB Libraries, Inc. |
. If you're purchasing this part from NXP, you should ask them for their mfr. recommended solder pattern. This large package is outside the scope of any standard package. 
ORION Industries |
for its certification structure Single Site. Scope: Precision die cutting and converting of thermal interface, insulating and sealing materials for the aerospace, defense and commercial electronics industries
KingFei SMT Tech |
Certificate Certification Standard: ISO 9001 Number: 10117Q18040R0S Issue Date: 2017-11-28 Expiry Date: 2020-11-27 Scope/Range: SMT Machine, SMT Parts Issued By
KingFei SMT Tech |
Certificate Certification Standard: ISO 9001 Number: 10117Q18040R0S Issue Date: 2017-11-28 Expiry Date: 2020-11-27 Scope/Range: SMT Machine, SMT Parts Issued By
. The Scope, Purpose, Method Classification, and Coating Durability clauses may lead you (supplier or user) to make the correct decisions for the product