Partner Websites: should you coat bgas (Page 1 of 5)

SolderTip #44: IPC Guidelines for Flux Selection and Use | EPTAC


. Things to consider on your product are entrapment areas where the flux may travel to and you cannot clean it off.  This can be a major problem with surface mount components, especially those mounted very close to the surface of the board, such as micro BGAs, chip caps and resistors. So where are we

Automotive and Transportation | Nordson ASYMTEK

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |

: Automotive and Transportation DP-3000 Linear Pump Nordson ASYMTEK Select Coat SC-204/205 Film Coater Applicator for Select Coat SL-940 System Nordson ASYMTEK EPE Adds Spectrum Fluid Dispensing System

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions

Lighting and LED | Nordson ASYMTEK

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |

: Lighting and LED DP-3000 Linear Pump Nordson ASYMTEK Select Coat SC-204/205 Film Coater Applicator for Select Coat SL-940 System Nordson ASYMTEK EPE Adds Spectrum Fluid Dispensing System to

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions

Conformal Coating Does Not Adhere to Teflon Wire - EPTAC - Train. Work Smarter. Succeed


: We are having and issue with the conformal coating not adhering to the Teflon wire that we use in units. Is there anything in the IPC-A-610 or the J-STD-001 that allows the conformal coat not to adhere to Teflon wire?   Question

0402 Min Size Land Pattern - PCB Libraries Forum - Page 2

PCB Libraries, Inc. |

. However, you can use the "Least" environment dimensions with good results.       One other important rule that you should consider when using Footprint (Land Pattern

PCB Libraries, Inc.

0402 Min Size Land Pattern - PCB Libraries Forum - Page 2

PCB Libraries, Inc. |

. However, you can use the "Least" environment dimensions with good results.       One other important rule that you should consider when using Footprint (Land Pattern

PCB Libraries, Inc.

Component Cracking-News-Reflow oven,SMT Reflow Soldering Oven-cmsadmin


. Cracking of plastic-molded packages, such as QFPs and BGAs, sometimes called the popcorn effect is sometimes due to absorbed moisture in the thermoset plastic body but may also be due to a flaw in

Conformal Coating Does Not Adhere to Teflon Wire - EPTAC - Train. Work Smarter. Succeed


: We are having and issue with the conformal coating not adhering to the Teflon wire that we use in units. Is there anything in the IPC-A-610 or the J-STD-001 that allows the conformal coat not to adhere to Teflon wire

SolderTip #44: IPC Guidelines for Flux Selection and Use - EPTAC - Train. Work Smarter. Succeed


. Things to consider on your product are entrapment areas where the flux may travel to and you cannot clean it off.  This can be a major problem with surface mount components, especially those mounted very close to the surface of the board, such as micro BGAs, chip caps and resistors. So where are we

SolderTip #44: IPC Guidelines for Flux Selection and Use - EPTAC - Train. Work Smarter. Succeed


. Things to consider on your product are entrapment areas where the flux may travel to and you cannot clean it off.  This can be a major problem with surface mount components, especially those mounted very close to the surface of the board, such as micro BGAs, chip caps and resistors. So where are we

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