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the currently selected recipe. d. Operator sets the Embedded Infrared Heater to online. 2. The process proceeds automatically: a. At the start of a process, the dispense system requests heat. b. The process pauses until the “heater ready” signal is
GPD Global |
the “heater ready” signal is asserted. c. If a board is detected in the nest (nest sensor), the heaters are enabled and controlled until the underside of the board achieves the “underside lo” set point. d. When the top side of the board achieves the set
), Faro Arm, Keysight Network Analyzers, Spectrum Analyzers, Signal Generators, & More Madison, CT Sennheiser Electronic [Online] SOLD - Auction Closed on 4/12/2023 Complete Closure of Audio Device Mfg
), Faro Arm, Keysight Network Analyzers, Spectrum Analyzers, Signal Generators, & More Madison, CT Sennheiser Electronic [Online] SOLD - Auction Closed on 4/12/2023 Complete Closure of Audio Device Mfg
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