| https://www.eptac.com/soldertips/issues-of-burnt-flux-on-class-3-pcb-assemblies/
: Flux residues are flux residues, regardless of whether it is burnt or not. Reference section 10.6.1 Cleanliness – Flux Residues in the 610
| https://www.eptac.com/soldertips/soldertip-44-ipc-guidelines-for-flux-selection-and-use/
. Secondly, you need to decide whether or not the residues from the used flux can be left on the board after the soldering operation. J-STD-004, can be used to evaluate the fluxes, as it discusses corrosion properties and appropriate tests to determine the activity levels of the flux
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| https://www.eptac.com/faqs/soldertips/soldertip/issues-of-burnt-flux-on-class-3-pcb-assemblies
: Flux residues are flux residues, regardless of whether it is burnt or not. Reference section 10.6.1 Cleanliness – Flux Residues in the 610
| https://www.eptac.com/soldertip/issues-of-burnt-flux-on-class-3-pcb-assemblies/
: Flux residues are flux residues, regardless of whether it is burnt or not. Reference section 10.6.1 Cleanliness – Flux Residues in the 610
| https://www.eptac.com/faqs/ask-helena-leo/ask/excess-flux-causing-intermittent-connection-issues
. In Rev E of the document it is in section 10.6.4 Cleanliness – Flux Residues – No-Clean Process – Appearance, which is in section
| https://www.eptac.com/soldertip/soldertip-44-ipc-guidelines-for-flux-selection-and-use/
. Secondly, you need to decide whether or not the residues from the used flux can be left on the board after the soldering operation. J-STD-004, can be used to evaluate the fluxes, as it discusses corrosion properties and appropriate tests to determine the activity levels of the flux
| https://www.eptac.com/faqs/soldertips/soldertip/soldertip-44-ipc-guidelines-for-flux-selection-and-use
. Secondly, you need to decide whether or not the residues from the used flux can be left on the board after the soldering operation. J-STD-004, can be used to evaluate the fluxes, as it discusses corrosion properties and appropriate tests to determine the activity levels of the flux
Precision PCB Services, Inc | https://precision-pcb-services-inc.com/products/amtech-nws-4400-ha-tf-water-washable-lead-free-tacky-solder-flux-rem1
: As a rule of thumb removing M1/H1 flux residues is paramount, however it is an easy task – use warm de-ionized water at 40-60°C with recommended water pressure of 30-50 PSI – NWS
| https://www.eptac.com/soldertips/soldertip-48-the-cleanliness-of-wire-and-terminal-connections/
. Boards and assemblies are cleaned of flux residues for a variety of reasons, dendritic growth on the surface of the laminate, ability of the conformal coating to adhere to the laminate material and