Industry Directory: box build malaysia (Page 1 of 31)

Golden State Assembly

Golden State Assembly

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Golden State is a contract manufacturer that makes wire harnesses, electromechanical assemblies (box builds, subassemblies, PCBAs, kits, etc.) and services (sorting, rework, value additive manufacturing engineering)

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Industry Directory | Association / Non-Profit / Events Organizer / Training Provider

The SMTA membership is a network of professionals who build skills, share practical experience and develop solutions in electronic assembly technologies and related business operations.


Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider

PartsBox is a database for electronic parts, with BOM pricing and document storage. It allows customers to work with CMs and track inventory. BOM pricing chooses suppliers based on best prices.

Universiti Sains Malaysia

Industry Directory | Research Institute / Laboratory / School

USM offers courses ranging from Natural Sciences, Applied Sciences, Medical and Health Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences to Building Science and Technology, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Education.

BCM Electronics

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Assembly of SMT PCB's to full box build assemblies for Motorola.

BH Electronics Sdn Bhd

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

A pioneer in the Wire Harness industry in the 1980s,Our Core Production consists of Wire Harness and Cable Assembly,Rubber and Small Plastic Molding, PCB Assembly and Complete Finish Product Box Build

Etronix Sdn Bhd

Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider

We provide MES software for PCBA & Assembly Box Build manufacturer. It covers paperless process execution, WIP tracking, routing control, quality and test data collection to manages product genealogy and the complete build record!

Electronic Technologies International

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Electronics contract manufacturer. We build PCB assemblies, harness/cable and box builds.


Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Electronic Contract Manufacturer (Malaysia). Experience in lead-free production since 2001. Service: AI/SMT/Box Build, Turnkey. Component size 0201 and above. Capacity: 150KKpt/mth(2005)..

Trans Capital

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Turnkey assembly SMT, PTH and Box Build

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