Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider / Marketing Agency / Media / Publisher / Online Resource / Other
Helping businesses find each other.
Industry Directory | Marketing Agency
B2B Strategic Marketing Communications, Specialties: Public Relations, Strategic Marketing Communications, Event Marketing, Media Planning & Placement, Social Media Marketing.
Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider / Distributor / Equipment Dealer / Broker / Auctions / Manufacturer
Salescon Ltd is operating for 20 years. Supplying various materials,tools machines for the electronic industry. Supplier for manufacturer companies in Hungary and CEE,providing services for SMEs and start-up businesses.
Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider
SPC software manufacturer. Our software includes such extras as defect tracking, traceability, trend and root cause analysis, overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), rolled throughput yield (RTY), equipment uptime/downtime and supplier quality management in a true real-time production-based system.
Optical start up based in California with offices in New Jersey and Maryland. Our market is Opical Data Networking
wave solder and smt process support and training, mfg. support, new product start up, six sigma
EgyTec Projects is a local representative of many worldwide companies in the feild of electrical and instrumantation supplies, erection, commisiioning and start up of projects.
West-Tek provides a broad range of IT staffing solutions for progressive organizations, from innovative start-ups needing short-term technical expertise to Fortune 500 companies with ongoing talent demands.