Industry Directory | Manufacturer
IRC has been a leader in resistor technology, including the industry's comprehensive range of current sense resistors, precision discrete and networks, integrated passive components, and specialized power resistors.
Industry Directory | Manufacturer
CSM Instruments develops, manufactures and sells instruments to characterize mechanical properties of surfaces. We have been the world leader in this market for more than 30 years.
Industry Directory | Manufacturer
Contract manufacturer of hybrid ICs and PCB assemblies
Industry Directory | Manufacturer
PCB Assembly in Indonesia with ISO Certificate Are you looking for SMT and PCB Assembly ? We provide SMT and PCB Assembly service in Indonesia. Located at bonded zone West Java Indonesia. Suitable for export oriented market.
Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider / Manufacturer / Other
Taiwan Dry Tech Corp. manufacturer of Eureka Dry Tech Fast Super Dryers for moisture/humidity proof protective storage of PCB, MSD, IC packages, meets IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033 & IPC-1601.
Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider / Manufacturer
Eureka Dry Tech's IPC/JEDEC J-Std-033c Ultra Low Humidity Dry Cabinets provides moisture/humidity controlled storage of MSD,PCB, IC packages. Drying technology trusted by millions in replacing baking, nitrogen & desiccant packs.
Industry Directory | Manufacturer
Global Designer & manufacturer of advanced electronic components, modules, systems & contract assemb
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