Industry Directory: sj inno tech hp620 (Page 1 of 1)


Industry Directory | Manufacturer

We SJ INNO TECH are leading the kernel parts Equipment of Digital industry with SMT Equipment system, Solarcell printer,SPI Screen Printer Solar energy. We will grow to be excellent company as Global

Apex Factory Automation

Industry Directory | Distributor / Manufacturer / Manufacturer's Representative

A distributor of high quality surface mount and related production equipment. Currently distribute Mirae Placement, SJ Inno Tech Printers, and Xavis X-Ray.

Brock Electronics Ltd.

Industry Directory | Manufacturer's Representative

SMT assembly equipment including placement, reflow & vapor phase soldering, cleaning, X-Ray, AOI, SPI, conveyors. First Article Inspection (FAI). Consumables, splicing systems & tools, splice tape & clips. Understencil wiping Roll


sj inno tech hp620 searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

Beau Tech
Beau Tech

A US manufacturer of quality hand tools for those engaged in the repair, rework, R & D, testing, and assembly of electronic components and printed circuit boards from Through Hole to 2Mil Pitch Surface Mount.


98 Elm St.
Portland, ME USA

Phone: 1-207-775-6139

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