Industry Directory: test zone (Page 1 of 2)

The Branford Group

The Branford Group

Industry Directory | Equipment Dealer / Broker / Auctions / Manufacturer

A global industrial auction and valuation business with extensive experience in SMT, PCB Assembly & Manufacturing, Test, Semiconductor and other Electronics Machinery & Equipment.


Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Our vision is to be recognized the EMS Leader of the Manaus City Industrial Pole until 2012, which manufactures world-class products for our customers, while rewarding our employees and investors.

CME Technology Co., Ltd.

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

CME Technology Co., Ltd. is located in Xianyang, Shaanxi National High-tech Industrial Development Zone, is specializing in manufacturing equipment for mechanical testing and simulation, environmental reliability testing.

SMT and PCB Assembly in Indonesia

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

PCB Assembly in Indonesia with ISO Certificate Are you looking for SMT and PCB Assembly ? We provide SMT and PCB Assembly service in Indonesia. Located at bonded zone West Java Indonesia. Suitable for export oriented market.


Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider / Manufacturer

We are a premier business to business electronics repair, rework, and reverse logistics service provider that adds value to your electronic manufacturing or product support needs.

GHome Scientific Co., Ltd

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Specialized in SMT Assembly Manufacturing. Products: 1. Flex PCBA 2. Rigid PCBA 3. Metal Core PCBA 4. Function Test 5. Finished Products Assembly

Datapaq, Inc.

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Datapaq, founded in 1984, is the world leader in temperature profiling. Datapaq systems provide key information on the effectiveness of heat processing in the electronics assembly industry, using the most advanced and tested techniques.


Industry Directory | Manufacturer

TTPL is a reputed EMS(Electronic Manufacturing Service) company offering PCBA, testing and box build on turnkey basis. Certified to ISO/TS16949, TTPL has been offering assembly services at superior quality since 1992.

Princeton Technology

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Electronic PCB design, fabrication, and assembly for both plated through hole and SMT

Shenzhen Grandtop Electronics Co., Ltd

Industry Directory | Equipment Dealer / Broker / Auctions

Shenzhen Grandtop Automation Co., Ltd ,a manufacture specialized in SMT and DIP processing. products are widely used in industrial equipments,ommunication apparatus, automobile electronics, computers

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