Industry Directory: universal instruments power supply (Page 1 of 6)

Wisman High Voltage Power Supply Co.,LTD.

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Wisman High Voltage Power Supply Co.,Ltd, is the professional X-ray generator, DC high voltage power supply, PCB mount module and X-ray source manufacturers.

Alltest Instruments

Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider / Distributor / Equipment Dealer / Broker / Auctions / Manufacturer's Representative

All Test Equipment Services. We buy, sell, rent, repair, service all types of test & measurement equipment

Universal Assets

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Buyers of Scrap Materials and Surplus Machinery, Equipment and Inventories Precious Metal Refining Warehouse Liquidation PCB & Electronic Scrap Recycling Purchasing of Used Surplus Semiconductor

Avionic Instruments Inc.

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Avionic Instruments Inc. is the leading designer and producer of lightwieght qualified power conversion equipment for military, commersial and space applications.

Test and Measurement Instruments C.C.

Industry Directory | Equipment Dealer / Broker / Auctions

Test and Measurement Instruments C.C. have supplied test equipment from great brands such as Lutron, Fluke, FLIR, Lodestar, EZ Digital. Products include Digital Storage Scopes, Multimeters, ph meters, Power analysers,

Amade Instruments Technology Co., Ltd

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

AMADE TECH is one professional laboratory testing equipment manufacturer and supplier covering different industries.


Industry Directory |

Unidec repairs industial automation equipment electronics. Controllers, I/O boards, Power Supplies from leading SMT & Through hole manufacturers such as Universal, Electrovert, Fuji and many others.

Advanced Conversion Technology

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Design and manufacture custom power supplies and instrumentation products primarily for the defense industry.

Applied Kilovolts Ltd

Industry Directory |

Manufacturer of High Voltage Modular Power Supplies. We manufacture a wide range of precision, low drift, noise and ripple High Voltage power supplies for precision electronic instrumentation. We also make X ray Power Supplies, and Reversible units.


Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Custom Cable assembly, PCB Assembly/Rework, Debug and Failure Analysis, Cable loom wiring, Box build, Power Supply test and rework, Automotive, Instrumentation,Medical, Security

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