Career Center - Jobs: fuji w08c feeder (Page 1 of 1)

SMT Operator

Career Center | Fremont, California USA | Production,Quality Control

Local industry leading EMS Company seeking SMT operators. Will be doing SMT line Change overs, SMT machine operation for solder printing, placement, reflow. Solder paste height measurement and record. Solder printing quality check after solder paste

Adecco USA, Inc

SMT Machine Operator

Career Center | Irvine, California USA | Engineering,Production

SMT Machine Operator Pull parts from stock Build jobs per schedule Load SMD parts onto reel feeders Setup and operate Fuji CP-6 ship shooter Setup and operate DEC screen printer Setup and operate Fuji QP-2/ 3 SMD parts placement machine Setup and ope

Rainmaker Staffing


fuji w08c feeder searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

Software for SMT

High Precision Fluid Dispensers

Wave Soldering 101 Training Course
Thermal Interface Material Dispensing

World's Best Reflow Oven Customizable for Unique Applications

500+ original new CF081CR CN081CR FEEDER in stock