Technical Library: acceptable scrap rate (Page 1 of 1)

Using Rheology Measurement As A Potentially Predictive Tool For Solder Paste Transfer Efficiency And Print Volume Consistency

Technical Library | 2020-07-02 13:29:37.0

Industry standards such as J-STD-005 and JIS Z 3284-1994 call for the use of viscosity measurement(s) as a quality assurance test method for solder paste. Almost all solder paste produced and sold use a viscosity range at a single shear rate as part of the pass-fail criteria for shipment and customer acceptance respectively. As had been reported many times, an estimated 80% of the defects associated with the surface mount technology process involve defects created during the printing process. Viscosity at a single shear rate could predict a fatal flaw in the printability of a solder paste sample. However, false positive single shear rate viscosity readings are not unknown.

Alpha Assembly Solutions

Vapor Phase Technology and its Application

Technical Library | 2013-03-27 23:43:40.0

Vapor phase, once cast to the annals’ of history is making a comeback. Why? Reflow technology is well developed and has served the industry for many years, it is simple and it is consistent. All points are true – when dealing with the centre section of the bell curve. Today’s PCB manufacturers are faced with many designs which no longer fall into that polite category but rather test the process engineering groups with heavier and larger panels, large ground planes located in tricky places, component mass densities which are poorly distributed, ever changing Pb Free alloys and higher process temperatures. All the time the costs for the panels increase, availability of “process trial” boards diminishes and yields are expected to be extremely high with zero scrap rates. The final process in the assembly line has the capacity to secure all the value of the assembly or destroy it. If a panel is poorly soldered due to poor Oven setup or incorrect programming of the profile the recovery of the panel is at best expensive, at worst a loss. For these challenges people are turning to Vapor Phase.

A-Tek Systems Group LLC

An Investigation into Alternative Methods of Drying Moisture Sensitive Devices

Technical Library | 2021-11-26 14:34:07.0

The use of desiccant bags filled with Silica Sand and or Clay beads used in conjunction with a Moisture Barrier Bag to control moisture for storage of printed circuit boards has long been an accepted practice and standard from both JEDEC and IPC organizations. Additionally, the use heated ovens for baking off moisture using the evaporation process has also been a long#2;standing practice from these organizations. This paper on alternative drying methods will be accompanied by completed independent, unbiased tests conducted by Vinny Nguyen, an engineering student (now graduated) from San Jose State University. The accompanied paper will examine the performance levels of different technologies of desiccant bags to control moisture in enclosed spaces. The tests and equipment set were reviewed by an engineer and consultant to the Lockheed Martin Aerospace Division and the IPC - TM-650 2.6.28 test method was review by engineer from pSemi. The tests were designed to mimic performance tests outlined in Mil Spec 3464, which both IPC and JEDEC have adopted for their respective standards. The test examined variables including absorption capacity rates, weight gain and release of moisture back into the enclosed area. The presentation will also address and highlight: • Similarities of PCBs and Heavy Equipment as it applies to Inspections, Causes of Failure, Types of Corrosion and Moisture Collection Points. • Performance Attributes of Different Desiccant Technologies as it applies to shape, texture, change outs, labeling and regeneration. • Venn Diagram of Electromechanical Failure with the circles 1. Current 2. Contamination 3. Humidity Presentation Available

Steel Camel


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