Technical Library: analog devices (Page 1 of 1)

What is an analog signature analyzer and how does it work?

Technical Library | 2020-11-19 20:35:26.0

Simultaneously with the first complex electronic circuits, the task of creating effective means of diagnosing and repairing them appeared. In previous decades, specialized programmable stands were used for diagnostics of serial electronic products, as well as various testers and probes for troubleshooting during their operation. But the dramatic increase in the density / cost factor, in parallel with the very rapid modification of electronic products, made programmable stands economically ineffective even in mass production. The use of traditional laboratory equipment (oscilloscopes, multimeters, etc.) requires power supply to the defective modules, which is often impossible and unsafe, since it can lead to failure of the working modules of the module. In addition, the use of this equipment requires documentation and highly qualified personnel. More automated and sophisticated signature analysis systems came to the rescue in solving this problem. A feature of these devices is that they allow you to test digital and analog assemblies without dismantling components and without supplying voltage.

Engineering Physics Center of MSU

Fundamentals of Analog Signature Analysis

Technical Library | 2012-02-09 15:26:56.0

The Fundamentals of Signature Analysis Technical document discusses the basics of power-off analog signature analysis, how it relates to basic electronic devices and how it is used for circuit board troubleshooting.

Huntron, Inc.

Principles of Analog In-Circuit Testing

Technical Library | 2012-12-26 14:18:24.0

Passive components including resistors, capacitors, inductors, and circuit-protection devices compose the highest percentage of all devices that are populated on today’s PCB assemblies. However, the successful isolation and testing of these components during ICT is perhaps the most challenging and the least understood of all modern-day validation practices.



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