Technical Library: attacks (Page 1 of 1)

Profiled Squeegee Blade: Rewrites the Rules for Angle of Attack

Technical Library | 2014-12-24 19:22:52.0

For centuries, the squeegee blade has been used throughout many applications for depositing viscous materials through screens and stencils to transfer images on to substrates, from cloth material to electronic circuit boards. One area of blade printing mechanics that have been reviewed many times is the angle of attack of the blade. Typically it has been tested from 45 degrees to 60 degrees to optimize the printing quality and efficiency. However, this typically ends up as a compromise, from fill characteristics (45 degrees) to print definition (60 degrees). This paper will present the revolutionary performance of the profiled squeegee blade, which has recently been developed to create a virtual multi angle of attack for unsurpassed process control for all types of stencil printing processes.

Lu-Con Technologies

High and Matched Refractive Index Liquid Adhesives for Optical Device Assembly

Technical Library | 2020-09-30 19:23:47.0

There is an increase in the number of optical sensors and cameras being integrated into electronics devices. These go beyond cell phone cameras into automotive sensors, wearables, and other smart devices. The applications can be lens bonding, waveguide imprinting, or other applications where the adhesive is in the optical pathway. To support these various optical applications, new materials with tailorable optical properties are required. There is often a mismatched refractive index between plastic lenses such as PC (Poly Carbonate), COP (Cyclo Olefin Polymer), COC (Cyclo Olefin Copolymer), PMMA (Poly Methyl Methacrylate), and UV curable liquid adhesive. A UV curable liquid adhesive is needed where you can alter the refractive index from 1.470 to 1.730, and maintain high optical performance as yellowness index, haze, and transmittance. This wide range of refractive index possibilities provides optimized optical design. Using particular plastic lens must consider how chemical attack is occurring during the process. Another consideration is that before the UV curable liquid adhesive is cured, chemical raw component can attack the plastic lens which then cracks and delaminates. We will also show engineering and reliability data which defined root cause and provided how optical performance is maintained under different reliability conditions.

Kyoritsu Chemical & Co., Ltd

PCB Molding An Upward Curve Of Innovation In Building Protection Systems

Technical Library | 2016-08-11 01:21:34.0

Be it a residential building, hospital, shopping mall, hotel, school, educational institution or any kind of a building, the security of the building is a prime facet to get a complete building solution. This also includes protecting the building, its assent and the human life from the airborne toxic industrial chemical, radiological and biological attacks or any accidental release apart from fire, water, earthquake and other security concerns. For these high value security solutions, the upgraded technology for the building safety system is now a top priority, especially in the commercial building sector and residential constructions. To introduce a completely new concept and a unique solution, it is necessary to focus on the dynamic electronic design and manufacturing solution in consultation with the custom PCB experts.



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